The national Council is in favour of Attempts to control the sale of Cannabis in principle. He wants to at least discuss it, to allow such Attempts. With 100 votes to 85, with 2 abstentions, the Council pronounced on Tuesday that it has enter, on the appropriate bill. Before he can advise you on the Details, have to now spend again the health Commission.

they had spoken out against an experimental article in the narcotics act and the Council with the casting vote of the President of the Commission requested, not on the template to enter.

prevention and abstinence

Against the experimental article presented in the national Council, the SVP and the majority of the middle group, from CVP, BDP and EVP. The money should be spent to better drug prevention for the benefit of a healthy youth, said Verena Herzog (SVP/TG).

colleague Therese Schläpfer (ZURICH) drew attention to the harmful effects of Cannabis. It is to allow for contradictory, to adopt the smoke continuously stricter rules and Smoking Weed – the harmful to the lungs stronger – such Attempts.

In the middle of group concerns relating to the protection of the youth to the rash, such as Lorenz Hess (BDP/BE) explained. It would add to fears that the scientific studies have not the drug abstinence, but rather a first step towards liberalisation were.

New ways needed

The Proponents and advocates of the experimental article and argued that it was necessary to examine new ways in the cannabis policy. Despite the ban, over 200’000 people consumed in Switzerland regularly Cannabis.

The Repression binding a lot of resources without satisfactory results, said health Minister Alain Berset. He recalled that the experimental article, in line with a request of the cities and a need of science. Regine Sauter (FDP/ZH), found that the current Situation is in every respect unsatisfactory. The law does not prevent Cannabis consumption.

“young people go to just to Cannabis, the product is bad, the crime is flourishing.” For excitement, there is no reason to be. Go only to pilot tests.

“no one is tempted”

In some cities on Sunday morning Cannabis more easily available than bread, found Léonore Porchet (Green/VD). The fuel consumption increases, and addiction problems are on the increase. The quality of the deck, no control, mountains hazards for the consumers.

Yvonne Feri (SP/AG) stressed that no one will be enticed with the projects, to the consumption of Cannabis. It is only and alone finding out about how the controlled levy on the consumption, health and addiction-affected behavior.

ten years

The national Council limited had approved last year a number of initiatives with the mission of an experimental article to introduce. The Federal Council, however, was already active before. His template is limited to a period of ten years and a statutory basis for the scientific pilot would try.

So alternative approaches could be explored, without to anticipate. Background of the refusal of a licence for a Cannabis study by the University of Bern. The Federal office of public health came to the conclusion that there is no legal basis. This gap should be closed with the experimental article.

The pilot tests would be directed exclusively to adults. The transfer of study cannabis to minors would be punishable by law. The Federal government would approve Experiments only if the applicant would submit a prevention and youth protection concept. (sda/red)

Created: 10.12.2019, 11:52 PM