“”The new LSS-law ready by the summer””

“Aftonbladet experience: Respiration and tube feeding becomes essential needs”

“LSS-legislative change – after harsh criticism. “

“Aftonbladet can now reveal that a new law can enter into force already to summer.”

“– A bill which breathing and tube-feeding are counted as basic needs are practically ready to go out on a referral, ” says a source in the government offices.”

“Just before christmas, Stefan Löfvens government the mandate of the parliament to ”promptly” begin the work with a change in the law regarding the LSS, the act concerning support and service for certain disabled people. “

“The assignment was to establish to help with breathing and tube-feeding must be counted as basic needs in the assessment of personal assistance. “

“Now, Aftonbladet, revealing that the work which the interim government began on 20 december is set and ready to go out on the referral. Sources with good insight confirms that the law can enter into force in the summer and that the minister is given the drafting of a new legislation the highest priority. This after some pressure from other parties in parliament.”

“– It has at least been a period of intense work, it was given the highest priority, ” says the source.”

“In the documents Aftonbladet have taken some of that ”need of help with breathing and feeding should be basic need that may provide the right to personal assistance according to the act concerning support and service for certain disabled””

“LSS has been much debated in recent years, but the requirement of a change in the law just for breathing and tube-feeding is something the parliament had supported. “

“It was at the end of may 2016 as the government appointed an investigation to put an end to the runaway costs of the LSS, which led to many people were denied personal assistance when the Insurance fund began to apply a more stringent assessment.”

“the Issue was widely discussed during the election campaign and Jan Björklund (L) told TT that he was ashamed and that the large cutbacks in the Swedish welfare must come to an end.”

“Then-children, the elderly and gender equality Lena Hallengren said that the need to breathe and eat, of course, must be regarded as fundamental, and promised to invite to the call.”

“According to the source, the aggregate cost to decline by reason of the proposal that is being put forward, because more most likely to receive state assistance. But the costs are still difficult to estimate.”

“2016: social Insurance, invited by the government to help break the cost trend for the state assistansersättningen.”

“Insurance will become more stringent in their enforcement, with support from previous judgments of the Supreme administrative court. This means, among other things, that tube feeding is not seen as a basic need that provides the right to assistance.”

“May 2016: the Government appoints the LSS inquiry, with the mandate to propose savings in the assistansersättningen. This directive recognises that the costs increased by sek 16 billion in ten years.”

“Juliu002Faugusti 2017: Investigator, member of parliament, Desirée Pethreus (KD), ask to stop. To the new investigator is appointed Gunilla Malmborg.”

“October 2017: the social Insurance office warns that thousands of people with personal assistance can get fewer stödtimmar after a new ruling of the Supreme administrative court.”

“November 2017: the Government presents a package of measures with the aim to mitigate the effects of past indicative judgments. Means, among other things, the freezing of the re-evaluations of the right to assistance that is normally done every two years. The application of assistenters waiting, and readiness is restored.”

“December 2017: the national Board of health reports that children in a higher degree than adults adversely affected by the Agency’s more stringent application of the rules.”

“December 2017: the social Insurance office reports that a sharply growing percentage of applications are rejected on application for state assistance.”

“February, 2018: Draft suggestions delicious. According to the work material, which are referenced in the media, disabled children under twelve years old no longer get the personal assistance without other forms of support.”

“March 2018: Lena Hallengren (S) succeeds Åsa Regnér (S) as the minister responsible for including the rights of persons with disabilities.”

“April, 2018: the Supreme administrative court concludes that tube feeding can provide the right to assistance.”

“May 2018: The Investigation may amended directive: Savings no longer need to be proposed.”

“October 2018: The New draft suggestions delicious. The investigation is, among other things, propose a flat rate for all with the assistance of 15 hours a week, in addition to the time to get help with basic needs.”

“December 2018: the Transitional government promises change in the law which makes clear that help with breathing and tube-feeding must be counted as basic needs in the assessment of personal assistance.”

“January 10, 2019: the Report submitted to the government Lena Hallengren.”

“The total number of persons granted assistance, in the end of last year, about 19 400. Approximately 4,900 of these had received assistance granted by its municipality.”

“the Number of granted assistance has dropped overall in recent years. Although the number of granted assistance of their municipality increased slightly, but at the same time, the number of state workers declined by about 1 600.”

“the Number of the state carer’s allowance:”

“• November 2018: 14 531 persons”

“• December 2017: 14 886”

“• December 2016: 15 691”

“• December 2015: 16 142”

“• December 2014: 16 158”

“the Decrease is mainly explained by the lower compensation is granted.”

“the Years 1994-2014 by contrast, the number of eligible, from 6 141 16 158. The increase is partly due to changes in the law made that more groups had the opportunity to personal assistance. It, including those over the age of 65 years, who have been given the right to retain the assistance which they had in the past.”

“the Number of granted veckotimmar has increased throughout the period, from less than 70 hours per person in 1994 was 128.5 hours in 2017.”

“Source: TTu002FFörsäkringskassanu002Fassistanskoll.see”