” For those of us over fifty so increase their drinking as we grow older. What should we change on, for it is harmful for our health, ” says director Bjørn Guldvog at the ministry of Health to the NTB.

In a survey conducted by Opinion on behalf of the ministry of Health responds half, 49 percent, of those who drink twice a week or more, that they are not prepared to add about the habits.

the Survey consists of 2.500 interviews with a landsrepresentativt variety of age 30 years and older.

More alcohol the older we get

the Results show that those aged 60 years and older are drinking far more often than the younger, and it also appears that this group is least interested in changing their drinking habits.

in General, do men drink more than women.

Shatters the myths about healthy alcohol use

– But we do not have the same level of ambition when it comes to alcohol as to smoke, emphasizes the helsedirektøren.

the Agency will in fact abolish smoking in Norway, while the goal for drinking is a sensible drikkeatferd for the individual.

Launched the toolkit

In the mapping corresponds only 10 percent that they think a small computer program – an app – will help to change habits, but helsemyndigheten choose to bet on this solution.

Tuesday launched the ministry of Health a new campaign called Just You, which includes two new apps that will make it easier to change the living habits, such as exercising more or drinking less alcohol.

the Budget for the campaign is 7.5 million.

– We do not know that it is the right solution, but we will try it. We want all of easier access to a low-threshold, says Guldvog.

Young people are more deppa

Mental health is also one of the themes for the survey. The responses show that those between 30 and 39 years feel more depressed or down than the older ones.

Those 60 years and older feel the least depressed. There are more men than women who say they never feel down.

– It is gratifying that the life becomes better when we become older. But for the young people who are in a stressful everyday life, perhaps with obligations to the children, and to get to a career and a marriage, so it can be quite a lot, acknowledge Guldvog.

Older got served yesterday’s fiskeboller on christmas eve