– Now is the idea to create more consumption….

– It gets a little difficult to get the money in the game, if they are deducted, so in this special case, one could perhaps make an exception.

How to write Ann P in one of the 450 comments so far) is written in the nation! and Ekstrabladets Facebook profile for the holiday pay negotiations, which started in the ministry of Finance right now – and on benefit claimants and benefit recipients should be deprived of the allowance in a period, if they get paid the holiday pay.
See also: Kontanthjælpsmodtager: Fear the set-off of holiday pay

the Unity of business and beskæftigelsesordfører Victoria Velasquez agrees, and she writes for the nation!, to the employees ‘of course’ should have paid their own holiday – without offset:

– frankly, so is the money they themselves have earned. Them, employers should not hold on.

– It is crucial for us in the party, is that the holiday pay is not being deducted when they are paid.

– It will hit the completely biased, if those who have the greatest need of money, end up losing them.

– If you have lost your job and are smoked on welfare, so will the holiday pay be able to give a little air in a very tight economy.

See also: Buy, buy, buy: a wise man will give money to the frightened danes

Economists also agree with us that it is a good idea to get all of us out of the crisis, because it is people with the lowest incomes, who will have the most propensity to spend the money immediately, so they can get covered for basic consumption.

– Therefore, we have raised opposite the minister of finance, that the holiday pay should be paid, and without it, netted in one’s own or one’s partner’s economy – and without that you lose the boligsikringen on it, writes Victoria Velasquez, and the nation! have today asked the finance Ministry’s press office, what the minister even think about the deduction of holiday pay in cash benefits/allowances/housing allowances.

And whether one should follow the rules that apply today, or whether in light of the situation, will let kontantshjælpsmodtagere/in london, get holiday pay udbetalet WITHOUT offset/drag.

the Minister is too busy to answer, but the ministry informs that the negotiations on the phasing out of stimulus packages going, but what are you thinking?