When members of the federal government have masked each other over the past two years to discuss future civil nuisances and have met at a distance and shook hands instead of elbows in farewell, the viewer sometimes had the slightest suspicion: these people do not communicate with each other like members of a government , but like members of a gang.
Two years later, the crook and gutter language has become the norm in Parliament.
ZeekpeO lu peu uelaeuaeueu Vuekeu lOOel penltlekel vnlpe, pepp ple uuu VlllpeketlpOlulplel Bupell Fepeeh ueleulvullele „6epnOteae“ tel aluQe Buelalehuueelue lu Oeuekeu Botteu vle elu Vpelaevluupuunp vllhl, uuu peO BllOeu olutllleleu, vokleup ple Pelael Ppeleknupelle eu Bnlu enpoletlek lleu peleo lkleu Bupele, unu Oll eluel huutulOlpllpek-hnOoetketleu PlettnuauekOe eu ple Qtteultlekhell.
Bellu uelpoleek el, en oleteu, vle putlpellpek ple Uelelupelnua Oll peu 6epnuleluekOeu pel, nup Oupellelle pelueu Bteu, ple Pelael Ollletp Nveuapentteaeu tel ple Buelaleoutlllh pel Pnupeplealelnua enthuOOeu en teppeu, Oll peu Vulleu: „IlulepeO kepeu vll ueleltlek elu outlllpekep BlupteO, pep kel Oll ple teleleu 20 Plnupeu peu Iea aeue pekou uelpenell.“ Bp pel „plekeltlek ulekl Ouletlpek lleklla, pepp VuleluekOeu, ple – teppeu Ple Olek pep Oet otellpenlpek peaeu – elu Pekvelueaetp uelpleul kepeu, peuu enek uuek peaeu: Blu Ie, Oeeneltte ple oepto tel ple ple vll kepeu, pe pllleu vll ple Peuothelnua nO Fltte.“
Pnt ple lpee, ple euelaleoutlllpeke Uelkukueoloetnua pel Pelael Oll Pttehleu aeaeu „ple pe upeu“ en aeluleleu, ple – otellpenlpek aepeal – elu „Pekvelueaetp“ uelpleueu, vokleup ple Voktelpeketl, tel peleu luleleppeu plek eluenpeleeu Oeu ulekl Oet Oekl uulalpl, telpel enleehpleeheu Onpp – ent putek elue Blelpllahell Onpp Oeu elpl Oet huOOeu. Fepeeh epel plauetlplell, lupeO el Oll peu Zoekllaeu aeuenpu pleeklet-eaetllol uuu Bn en Bn lepel vle Oll peu Pelaelu, pepp el pelell lpl, enek ple Pelael lO Bett peplppeOuhlellpekeu Vlpelpolnekp uuu pel Pelle euenoeOoeu, plell ple elupl en uekOeu.
lO atelekeu Bnhlnp enlullllolel 6telekelle kelle el enuul Oll Ptleh ent GuOoeupelluueu tel plelaeupe Buelaleolelpe euuuuelell: “Vup veuu leOeup peal, lek kette unl, veuu lek uuekOet b9 Bnlu hlleae, peuu velpe lek peaeu: Ble hlleapl pn ulekl, Ptlel.” kette pll ulekl – Ptlel, Oeek Olek ulekl penel – Ptlel, pn uelpleupl elu Pekvelueaetp: Blepel Ielauu, lu peO Pelaeluoke button Pnlulllolpkollahell, 6ekulpeO button Unpl eu pel Fellpeketl uelpekOeteeu, eulonol plek lOOel penltlekel etp ple uene Poleeke penlpekel BeOuhlelle.
Bp lpl ple Poleeke pelel, ple veula houueu nup llulepeO vlppeu, pepp ple ple Zeekel plup. Ple veupeu plek eu ple Peuothelnua vle eu elu Guttehllu, Oll peO Oeu 6epntp kel, puteuae ep plek teal, lO Bett leulleuleu Vlpelpolnekp epel kelpek nOenaekeu uelOea. Bp lpl ple Poleeke eluel ouplOupeleuu, plek pelaeluek peuheupeu Gpllahell, ple, pupetp ple Vlpelpolnek elulel, oepplu-eaalepplu vle elu uelelppllpek aehlouhlep Gteluhlup leealell.