you have forced Emmanuel Macron in the knee. You have wrested the President of expensive concessions to the so-called little people in France have more money in your wallet, and fast. However, on the day after Macrons turn-in the Yellow vests, show split on whether that’s enough. “It is too little and comes too late,” says the truck driver, Eric Drouet, had the protest movement in neon yellow in the social networks initiated. Quite different Jacline Mouraud, a leader of the activists see it. For weeks she sat Macron with a lot of clicked anger-Videos under pressure. Now you find, the announcements were “a progress, an open door”. The yellow West should take a break, so Mouraud. “We can’t spend our life in order to block the roundabout.”

The protest movement broken and loses, according to a flash survey on support. It is the whole of France is divided: Only half of the population is behind the yellow West. Not least for this reason, it is likely to be the President left, as he held on Monday evening in gravitätischem tone in his televised address to the Nation. 21 million people – almost every third French watched.

Marine Le Pen …

Macron speaks of a “historic Moment” for France. But above all, its economic – and social policy returns to be turning the Moment that the unpopular head of state with a big money sacrifice to save his presidency: The acts of the proclaimed Macron, cost the state, according to information from the government in 2019, 10 billion euros in circles. At the very least. It is the attempt to buy the social peace. It is an attempt to further damage the economy, which has suffered under the blockade actions and destruction by protesters. And The tax breaks and grants, the Macron among the people, make it likely that France 2019 in breach of EU debt rules. But the Macron takes.

to Him, it is more important to be credible remorse towards his country people to show. “It has happened that I have some of them hurt with my statements,” Macrons of an apology. The political Opposition makes this Mea Culpa does not go through. Macron my guess, “the distribution of a few pennies could calm the revolt of the citizen who has broken into railway” sneers Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the left movement in France Insoumise.

The extreme-Right Marine Le Pen railed, the head of state have not always recognized that he was the wrong model of an open economy attachments. And the conservative Republicans fault, Macron promise tax cuts, without reducing the government expenditure. The President must fear such criticism hardly: polls show that the opposition parties will benefit, despite all the efforts, the yellow vests took to the club, little of Macrons crisis. The distrust against the political class as a whole.

the Macron is trying now, with a sharp pivot regaining trust: The head of state, since his assumption of office in 2017, more of a policy in favour of companies and capital owners, speaks of the “economic and social emergency” and gives in to the Insistence of the yellow West, by strengthening the demand: workers who earn the minimum wage of 1500 euros gross, will soon receive 100 Euro more. To overtime pay starting in January, no taxes need to be paid more.

measures, in preference

Both of these measures, the government had anyway. Under the pressure of the road you will be preferred only. In addition, Macron “all employers can afford to call”, to the end of the year, a tax-free bonus to your employees to distribute. For pensioners who receive less than 2000 euros a month, he makes a controversial increase of a social tax will be reversed. However, for 2019 planned reforms, which he made in the speech, casually, clearly, he does not want to do without. The Reform of the pension, unemployment insurance, public service – all of which was “indispensable”.

So, are Macrons concessions may only be a way to maintain the ability to act. Against the greatest Malaise of the economy, high unemployment, tax relief for workers and pensioners little. The white Macron. What he doesn’t know yet: where will his government the 10 billion euros that are now missing in the Budget in 2019? For discussion, a long-planned tax relief for companies to partially defer. At the core of Macrons announcements, to let the tax cuts more to the consumer than the company.

no Matter how Macron decides: It is unlikely to be Contrary to the yellow West, with no new debt to Finance. According to the calculations of the government, from which the newspaper “Les Echos” quotes, France in 2019, a government deficit of 3.5 percent of economic output. That’s more than the controversial Italian Budget. After only two years in which France had failed to comply with the deficit limit of 3 percent, it could tear the EU debt limit. In Macrons environment, it means that you have the spending under control. But whether the previous target still has stock to comply with the 3 per cent in 2019 – this question gives way to the Élysée.

The yellow West, have forced the Macron in the knee. And you have made the budget plan for 2019 to waste. Now, time is of the essence: Before Christmas, the Parliament must adopt a revised budget. Even earlier – this weekend – will show whether Macrons has paid money to the victims. Then radical yellow want to show the West, with new demonstrations, how big is the anger of the citizens still.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 11.12.2018, 19:58 PM