It was going to be a completely normal speed control ended with more drama than normal for an UP-squad in Tromsø on Thursday night. The incident occurred when the patrol would stop a female motorist who had stepped a little too hard on the accelerator pedal.

– basically, she was going to be stopped for high speed, and the patrol had turned on blålysene. She was not with him this, as she sat with her face in the mobile phone, and had rather not with him that the police car had driven past, ” says operasjonsleder Karl Erik Thomassen.

the Drama stopped, however, not there. According to the police was patrol just after the close to be killed because the woman was focused on the phone.

– It is definitely not the way we want motorists to act. Normally this would have resulted in a simplified, fine, but at so serious cases we have to take a little bit harder, ” says Thomassen to the Newspaper.

the Police decided to confiscate the woman’s driver’s license. There are also created a case for negligent driving and violation of the road traffic act section 3.