“The Risk of grass fires in the south of Sweden”

“Spring has come with a vengeance to southern parts of Sweden and with it increases the risk of grass fires.”

“– It is very dry and there is a risk that it can ignite, ” says Linus, However, at the Swedish meteorological institute.”

“There is right now a big risk for grass fires in Götaland and Svealand and along the coast of Gävleborg, sweden, and the Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute is now warning of arid lands.”

“– It is very dry and there is a risk that it may ignite. It is quite common in the spring, so here after the snow has melted and fjolårsgräset come forward, says Linus, However, duty meteorologist at SMHI.”

“the fire risk depends right now on the high pressure with dry air that has been over large parts of the country. But on Wednesday, this brings in clouds from the south, which increases the humidity. In the western parts can also be elements of rain, with slightly reduced risk of fire as a result.”

“the Risk of grass fires always increases during spring in dry weather, as long as fjolårsgräset there.”

“– But the grass is replaced by new grass as and it is not nearly as flammable. Later towards summer, there may be risk of fire.”

“While the spring has come to stay in both Götaland and Svealand, with the exception of the northernmost Värmland, refuses the winter let go of major parts of Norrland. It is just Gästrikland and parts of Hälsingland, which given our so far.”

“– the Spring has not advanced on so much in the last seven days. It is mild now a period but then it becomes again colder so I don’t think it will advance so much this week, ” says Linus, However.”