The abuse threatens the Church from the inside. So it was essential that the Pope and the bishops demonstrated at the summit in Rome, to be the existential crisis and to combat the Evil.
they debated the prevention, transparency and the Opening up of the archives, on sanctions against abuse of priests, the statistics of the negligent bishops, or about to be created administrative courts. This was not right and necessary, is sufficient.
The System remains unspotted, the root of the Evil untouched. Because the bishops are not the solution, but part of the problem. It is becoming increasingly clear that the cover-up of abuse by the Church, pointed out that bishops, the perpetrator is protected, you have mixed, at best.
to tackle Without the systemic causes of abuse, Symptom control
When it comes to bishops – there are over 3000 worldwide – they can sanction so far, only the Pope alone, or be deposed. A total Overload. Therefore, an independent court found Francis in 2015 instance for bishops and cardinals. The US bishops have, in turn, requires an independent, lay-run instance for offending bishops. But nothing will come of it unfortunately.
Instead, the Pope wants the bishops to control yourself. The top bishops of a province to be entrusted with the procedure, which can lead to the deposition of bishops, if these are not followed up in a display or released for abuse of priests have not dismissed.
this is The major shortcoming of the summit: he himself remained referentially. The Pope and the bishops discussed among themselves and were not ready, and the System. But address systemic causes of abuse, Symptom control.
of course, the bishops have held to your God endowed the Holy state of celibate men. This myth you keep against their better Knowledge to maintain that sexual abandonment for at least a better place to live, and celibacy is a risk factor for abuse.
Sexual surrender must be for at least a better place to live, and celibacy is a risk factor for abuse
Even the so-open-minded and much-quoted Jesuit Hans Zollner, head of the Roman child protection center and co-organizer of the summit, says: “The view that the celibate form of life is cause for abuse, …. it is simply not true.”
Instead, he has developed Tools to help priests and religious to examine candidates as to their Suitability for the celibate form of life. With personality Assessments, he wants to find out “whether someone in the Relationship has difficulties, or, in his dealing with emotions, and his sexuality”.
How was I supposed to imagine which, as an academic exercise? How do you measure the psycho-sexual maturity to be committed to abstinence aspiring priests? The Church has not understood that the separate Driving of the clergy adhere to its statement in the Form of the mass abuse is presented.
Significantly, was the abuse of women and nuns on the summit theme just on the edge
as Long as the Pope and the bishops to the Ideal enthaltsamer spiritual, and thus coupled on the exclusion of women from ordination and Leadership, hold on to, the causes of abuse.
tellingly, the abuse of women and nuns was on the summit theme, only on the edge. Also because of the insight that she can use the woman with the banishment of the bed, the Altar, and Leadership to a miss, the subject beings to degrade is missing in the case of the clerics. (Editorial Tamedia)
Created: 24.02.2019, 18:15 PM