Was there a legitimate mandate for the “I protect myself” vaccination campaign – or did the Federal Ministry of Health ignore the legal provisions when it brought the “BrinkertLück” agency, which is closely linked to the SPD, on board in autumn 2022? An answer to this question, which has been in the air for months, should now come from the submission of all relevant documents by the ministry – but according to the opposition this has not happened.

The papers that had been sent to the secret protection agency of the Bundestag at the request of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group were “obviously incomplete,” complained Tino Sorge, the Union’s health policy spokesman, in a letter available to WELT to the chair of the health committee. There were no documents showing the approval of the framework agency “Scholz

Instead, the BMG “apparently deliberately attached documents” that were not relevant to the investigation. In his letter, Sorge calls on the ministry to be transparent: All relevant documents that are related to the campaign must be released, including emails or any notes on talks. “The sparse information policy” of the ministry suggests that the BMG “in breach of contract preferred an agency close to the SPD”. If the ministry does not submit the documents later, there must be a special meeting of the health committee if necessary – and Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) must personally answer questions.

The left faction was also annoyed with the stonewalling ministry. Health policy spokesman Ates Gürpinar criticized “more questions than answers” ​​in an interview with WELT. It’s not a small amount, it’s a substantial sum.

The fact is: Approval for the subcontract is mandatory for reasons of public procurement law. The ministry has been claiming for months that “Scholz

At least one criminal complaint has been filed in the matter. When asked by WELT, the Berlin police confirmed that a complaint had been made about violations of public procurement law and breach of trust. It is not yet clear whether an investigation has been launched. The left MP Sören Pellmann had already asked Lauterbach’s house in January to immediately provide clarification. Otherwise, this process is “a matter for the public prosecutor’s office”.