At 9 o’clock, on Tuesday opened the trial of the seven accused, about what happened in Lund, sweden on the 1st of June of last year.

When they had Left, set up a bokbord on the main square in Lilla Fiskaregatan in the network. There was a member of parliament, Anna Gunnarsson from the Left. At the same time, in close proximity to a number of the members of the Nordic resistance movement. Its members had traveled to Lund, sweden, from, among other things, Trelleborg and Hässleholm.

Among these were: the drivers in many of these. He is the director of the Nordic Resistance movement is calling for a ”Nest of 3”, which includes sweden, Skåne, Blekinge institute of technology. There is also a Sebastian Olofsson, 25, who is the ”kampredaktör” of the NCM’s media activities.

the NCM’s attendance were members of the Young people left to act. They gathered at the Lilla Fiskaregatan in a one-to-one beginning in the silent motdemonstration outside of the bookstore Gleerups, where they held up a banner.

the Calm was broken by lunchtime,
it was about 12 when the calm was broken.

” They took our flag, and fired over our bokbord, have a member of parliament, Anna Gunnarsson, (V) and in the past have told Kvällsposten.

the Police quickly to the scene and calmed down. But, just for a few minutes.

Among those who stood with the Young left, there were other people in lund, who wanted to show their stance against the Nordic Resistance movement. For the police to interfere with the Decisions bokbord thrown over passed, the NMR of the members, to Bantorget square. After them came a group of about 20 to 30 counter-demonstrators, who, among other things, chanting ”no racists on our streets”.

At Bantorget stopped the NCM to the members of the top and of the witnesses who saw them, and perceived that they formed themselves. Since the hearing of the witnesses of the advent of NMR, to the members of the shouting.

” Now, we’ll take them.

the Witnesses saw it as the shape of the NMR is then attacked, that is, on a given signal, it was planned.

the Seven members of the NMR has been indicted on charges of assault and attempted assault, and the investigation includes the pictures which shows what was going on.

Beats the young woman,
In an image sequence, and then see how the real pro many of these are running towards a young woman, a target for a blow with his right hand and hit her in the face as she loses balance. He hit her in the back, so that she falls over.

In another image sequence, and then we can see the John Lindell, are doing more karateliknande kicking against the person. Time and time again, he is seen doing high kicks. Police officers feel that, at least, a spark is directed to a motdemonstrants of the head.

as a freelance journalist and graduate student Victor Pressfeldt is one of those that got hit. I was there to document what was going on.

“I got a good kick in the stomach,” he said.

in His view, is that the advent of NMR, to the members chose their victims at random.

“They seemed to be around,” said Victor Pressfeldt.

the Stewards, who intervened were also beaten.

He has been in the past, when he worked as a journalist and have never experienced anything like it. In an image sequence, and then show how one of the seven charged with trying to rip to Victor Pressfeldts the camera.
John Hensley target a karatespark.Photo: the Police , was Shocked by the attack,
the Police investigation and the compilation of the photos from the witness, Victor Pressfeldts your own photos and videos, but also polisernas own kroppskameror shows that the NMR of the members, turn around and attack the others, ruthlessly.

In the pre-trial investigation, they tell you that the abuse in detail about what happened at Bantorget square. Many of them were shocked by how violent the NMR of the members went to the front.

The seven defendants, members of the NCM is to consistently improve the success rate for in which.

The answer basically is ”no comment” to all questions, and is not willing to explain or share something with you.

In a message to the Kvällsposten, type of NMR’s presstalesperson Sebastian Olofsson.

”Women, who are the accused, including myself, were acting in self-defense, a collection of vänsterextremister. In a threatening situation arose, and we acted accordingly. And also, on the right, then I would argue something different, we are still committed to our course of action.

the Whole trial is ridiculous. A trial against the political opposition, the head of a state that is killing its own people through mass immigration and multiculturalism.”
IT IS CHARGED with: Zacharias Hortén, 25.Photo: the Police Sebastian Olofsson, 25.Photo: the Police of Marcus Hansson, the 31.Photo: the Police . drivers in many of these, and 30.Photo: the Police , John Hensley, 29.Photo by: NMR is a Previous Next Exit fullscreen mode Here, they are charged with

to be Prosecuted for the Abuse of, and violence against a public official.

in the Earlier judgments, was Convicted of disobedience to the law of the moon in 2018, but it was cleared by the court of appeals.

in the Documents handed out flyers for the NMR.

with the Comment: ”The only thing I can say is that he’s not a criminal offence. It has been in his position, and, in the light of the pre-trial investigation. But other than that there’s not a lot to comment on,” said the lawyer, Jonas Nilsson.

to be Prosecuted for the Abuse.

in the Earlier judgments, was Convicted of disobedience to the law of the moon in 2018, but it was cleared by the court of appeals.

Activities: editor of Nordfront. Handing out the flyers.

Comment: the Lawyer, David Neu, announces that she is going to have a say.

the Prosecution of: Offences against the offenses, assault and battery, assault.

in Previous convictions: Convicted of malicious damage. Sentenced in the district court of disobedience to the law, but the court of appeal is proposed.

Comment: this is Called, and the mejlat lawyer, She is Peterson not come back.

to be Prosecuted for the Abuse.

in Previous court judgments, No.

the Task: Is the tv channel is attached to the NMR. Filmed at the actual event.

Said: ”My client denies the crime and has not been ruled out at this stage. My client is now in a final, informed me that he did not wish to speak to the media,” said the lawyer, Michael Blue.

the Accused of the Abuse, and violent resistance.

in the Earlier judgments on Incitement to hatred in the two cases, sentenced to probation, as well as acts of resistance, sentenced to pay a fine.

the Activity of the president of the ”Nest of 3”, which includes sweden, Skåne, Blekinge institute of technology.

Said: ”He denies the offences. He did not want to comment on the events. He is going to wait for the trial to deliver the story,” said the lawyer, Just Weight.”

the Prosecution is for: you Try to abuse.

in the Earlier judgments, was Sentenced in 2018, for a contempt against the police force for 30 units.

Comment: the defence counsel Catherine’s body shop does not wish to comment on.

the Prosecution is for: you Try to abuse.

in the Earlier judgments, was Convicted of disobedience to the law of the moon in 2018, but it was cleared by the court of appeals.

– Activity: Nordfronts ”kampredaktör”. Write articles, give talks and participate in the association’s television broadcasts.

with the Comment: ”I have nothing more to say in respect to this negotiation,” said the lawyer, Andrew Bondesson.

to View merVisa off. READ MORE:

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”I yelled out and cried,”
”Many people convince themselves that all is well,”

the Psychologist: How do you handle the feelings.

Details: I have a serious muscle injury ( No hälseneskada, but can get away for a long period of time.

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