During the negotiations has environment minister Dan Jørgensen (S) thrown a stay proposals on the table.

He will tear the handling of the Danish waste out of the hands of the municipalities and let the private companies get on the field.

It shows an annex to the government’s negotiating position, which Ekstra Bladet has come into possession of.

‘That added up to a solution where the processing of the recyclable waste is sent out to tender’, it sounds in the annex 18 of a ‘Green affaldssektor’.

the Government will ‘abolish the municipal monopoly on that burn their own waste, so the waste flows to the plant where it is incinerated cheapest and most effectively’, says the forhandlingsdokumentet.

Dan Jørgensen’s proposal arouses deep concern for Unity which at the negotiating table fighting tooth and nail against the proposal.

– This is critical infrastructure. Therefore, it should be in community hands. Private should not make money from citizens ‘ waste.

– I’m concerned that it may be more expensive for the danes, says the climate and miljøordfører Mai Villadsen.

– We run the risk that the danes, as the sorts, become a laughing stock, if the liberalisation or privatisation means that there are sold to the lowest bidder, who may not have the sense how to recycle.

– But what can a more open market for the garbage, however, the damage, we need to recycle more?

– There is no doubt that we need to reduce the amount of garbage, we burn out. We can easily make an appointment with local authorities.

– When you konkurrenceudsætter and leave it up to the free market, then there is nothing to prevent a company that bought the waste in Oslo and went bankrupt five months later, buying something, they can not find out to treat.

– Therefore, I fear, that when mr. and mrs Denmark dutifully sort their waste in order to fit on the globe, that it still ends up in a landfill in Malaysia, as we have seen not so long ago.

– you Draw not a skrækscenarium, because Unity just always looks privatisation of evil?

– time and Time again we have seen that when you outsource the municipal care for the elderly and another, then there is a big risk that the private cannot cope with the task. Or go bankrupt. So should society yet to clean up. So can the bill end up being more expensive for the danes.

the Government argues in forhandlingsdokumentet that privatisation will do away with the excess capacity, which today is on the Danish incineration plants. This means, among other things, that the imported waste to Denmark from abroad.

‘Overcapacity gives incentive to burn more waste (with greenhouse gas emissions to follow), partly by import of waste for incineration and partly to burn off the Danish waste rather than to recycle it.’

Furthermore, the government does not waste good enough, because the municipalities have different sorting systems.

’to increase recycling and achieve reductions in forbrændingssektorens greenhouse gas emissions it is necessary to solve these challenges at the same time,’ saith the.

Since 2010, businesses have been able to get their waste picked up and handled by the private actors. It is this scheme, the government will now wide out to the garbage from private households.

the Extra Leaf is working to get a comment from Dan Jørgensen.

See also: How to be you in the future sort your waste

the FACTS: Large quantities of plastic goes up in smoke

the Government presented on Monday a series of initiatives to ensure better sorting and recycling of waste. Among other things, of the plastic, which is the largest source of CO2 emissions from the incineration of waste.

This is because plastic is made from oil.

in Addition, many plastic ware cannot be recycled or used several times, and therefore it ends up with being burned.

* the Incineration of a tonne of plastic waste emits approximately 2,8 tons of CO2.

* We burn each year, approximately 370 000 tonnes plastic waste and in 2030 it will emit about 1 million tons of CO2.

* Textiles often contain also plastic and emit thus also CO2 when incinerated. The burning of plastikholdige textiles will derive around 0.1 million. tonnes of CO2 in 2030.

* Denmark imports the waste with the plastic in, which is expected to derive additional 0.2 million tonnes of CO2 in 2030.

Source: the ministry of the environment.

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See also: The danes total 500 tonnes of garbage on the beach last year