The first days as Chairman-designate of the German social Democrats are likely to have occurred Saskia esque and Norbert Walter-Borjans, stormy. A “reality shock” called it the “mirror”. In the election campaign, the two New had left no good hair at the coalition of their party with the Christian Democrats and made it clear that you want to terminate this with someone as soon as possible.
In the Willy-Brandt-house, Berlin headquarters of the SPD , joined the outsiders, and immediately to resistance. Neither you are familiar with the apparatus, nor do they have a house, apart from the office of the Juso-heads Kevin Kühnert. “The Establishment” but you defeated in the election by direct vote of the members of the sensational, is still sitting in all the Offices: Walter-Borjans, and esque have not only a majority of the Board of management, but also the German Vice-Chancellor, the Minister of the government, almost the whole of the group of the Bundestag and the closed ranks of the SPD Minister presidents of the länder.
The pressure is huge
And from outside of the government partner increased the pressure. Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, the CDU leader, not only rejected “renegotiations” of the coalition agreement, it was also clear that a month ago, agreed on the basic pension would only act if the SPD should confess clear, to the coalition. To the basic pension, the SPD has argued for years. That you could prevail with a scheme, which goes far beyond the coalition agreement in addition to, was regarded as a great success.
Actually, the new Chairman wanted to formulate in your slogan at the beginning today Congress sharp conditions under which the SPD would be ready to govern with the CDU and the CSU. It is the core of the points, for which they were elected by the members: the increase in the minimum wage from 9 to 12 euros per hour, additional investment in infrastructure, education and climate protection by € 500 billion over ten years, with a quadrupling of the CO2 price of 40 Euro per ton.
With the exception of the last number to find all of the receivables in the on Thursday by the Board of Directors, for submission to the party Congress adopted a slogan again – albeit in a significantly watered-down Form. From “red lines” were more or less binding “goals”, of “renegotiation” simple “conversations”, for which neither the Format nor the period specified. The application does not give back right on the “pure doctrine,” admitted esque. But he was a “good compromise” a step in the right direction.
Grand coalition-opponent
disappointed, by the will of the new top is on Congress, not on the participation in the Government decided. “There will be no one can expect,” said Walter-Borjans, “that you can meet today or tomorrow, a decision that remains, without If and But in the coalition, although there is still a lot of questions are open and need to be clarified.” By esque, and Walter said Borjans, the importance of now, the Unity of the party, pointed to the danger that a radical party could go it alone to the new leadership quite tear.
The government’s opponents in the party reacted with disappointment to the new Mild of the new Chairman. Karl Lauterbach, who was eliminated in the first round of the election, the language of quasi-fraud: “It must not give the impression that we have with sharp words against the Grand coalition in Offices choose and could remember nothing more.” The logic of the party the decision for a withdrawal from the government, said Wolfgang Thierse, the former President of the Bundestag: “A-exit now the credibility of esque/Walter-Borjans, damaged.” A withdrawal is harmful, however, important successes of the SPD.
How, exactly, the mood, the Congress of the party. The opponents of the coalition are likely to try to tighten up the slogan again. The left wing has already announced that he wants to achieve, that the Congress vote binding on the continued existence of the government before talks with the Union have taken place. Also the question of who is the third Deputy to the new chair, could show where the journey goes: this Post does Juso-in-chief and government opponents Kühnert against labour and social Minister, Hubertus Heil.
Created: 05.12.2019, 22:51 PM