State day you get to vote on a new prime minister two more times.Stefan löfven on not get the support of the Swedish parties. EPA/AOP

the Swedish parliament does not want a socialist president to Stefan löfven on to as prime minister. The Swedish media, according to the state the day you voted for it on Friday and löfven on lost by 116-200.

löfven on the pääministeriyttä opposed to the center, the moderates, the sweden democrats, the liberals and the christian democrats. Choose to vote for the democrats, the left party and the environmental party. Löfven on is former prime minister of Sweden.

Friday’s vote is already the second time the Swedish company to choose for themselves the next prime minister. The last time the place they were trying to fill the national coalition party chairman of the Ulf Kristerssonin .

the Swedish parliament gets to vote two more times on a new prime minister. If these votes will not find a suitable prime minister, Sweden had to hold new parliamentary elections.