Sweden’s foreign minister, Ann Linde, believe that coronakrisen and the continued isolation of Sweden can damage the relationship between the nordic countries.

she says to the newspaper Dagens Nyheter.

– I have a genuine anxiety for, she says.

Denmark, Norway and Iceland, Monday will open each other’s borders, but Sweden will not be covered. It is done with reference to the many infected and dead with the coronavirus in Sweden. Norway does, however, permit travel to the Swedish island of Gotland.

– They must make the decision they think is important in order to protect their fellow citizens, says Linde.

– the Fact is that they have a much milder outbreak than what we have had. We have explained to them that we have had a very regional development.

– In border areas, not see it at all as in Stockholm. You can see that in Copenhagen there are significantly more dead and infected than in Skåne, she says.

The Swedish government, have tried to conclude regional agreements with the neighbouring countries, but without success. notes Linde.

Now fear she, to ‘nordic co-operation will be adversely affected’. This applies, in particular in the border areas.

– In the several regions have cooperated since the 1950s – and quite suddenly there will be rivalry and hard feelings between people where there (before) was no limit at all, she says.

Linde says that her concern is that ’the here creates wounds’ in the relationship between the nordic countries. That it actually has arrived the atmosphere at a test match ’the virus’.

– I can be troubled for how long we will have these wounds.

The total death toll in Sweden with the corona virus is Sunday determined to 4874. In the other nordic countries – including Finland – have collectively been registered 1175 coronadødsfald.

Norway opens on Monday also its limits for Finnish citizens.

Finland has had fewer infected and dead with coronavirus than Denmark.