“Fbi warns of Russian contacts with the political groups in Sweden”

“at the same time, investigates the mysterious land purchases near military installations”

“the Swedish security service warns that Russia had contacts with political groups in Sweden, in order to remotely control them.”

“Our concern is that it can be used either now in, for example, påverkansspår but also in potential future situations,” says Kenneth Alexandersson, senior analyst at Säpos counter-intelligence.”

“at the same time, also released with information on suspected Russian purchase of land near military installations in Sweden.”

“the Fbi unveiled on Thursday its yearbook for the year 2018 and stressed out Russia as a threat to Swedish interests.”

“– In recent years we have seen Russia, in particular, develop an ability to actively and covertly influence other states, said säkerhetspolischefen Klas Friberg during his speech.”

“For the first time, go Undercover to Russia conducts hybridkrigsverksamhet in Sweden in the form of:”

” Cooperation with political groups that can be controlled remotely.”

” the Strategic acquisition of land in the vicinity of military objects.”

“in Addition, the security service cyber-attacks, cybersabotage and påverkansoperationer as part of the same business.”

“Can be controlled at distance”

“the security Police call the various activities of the ”tools” that Russia right now is using what it describes as a ”gray area between peace and armed conflict”.”

“Kontraspionagechefen Daniel Stenling says that there are several examples of where Russia has made contact with the political groupings in Sweden in order to use them as intermediaries. In the yearbook, describe the groups as ”proxies” – that is to say, groups that can be controlled remotely from a distance.”

“We have seen a contacts with groups and political environments,” says kontraspionagechefen Daniel Stenling.”

“the Kennet Alexandersson, senior analyst at the counter-espionage services, describes the proxy-business as a tool for foreign power takes if you want to have the ability to operate in a country ”without being seen”.”

” We have seen contacts from a foreign power against the interest groups and extremist organisations in Sweden and our concern is that it can be used either now in, for example, påverkansspår but also in potential future situations where we might have a more tense security mode. Using them as tools to create trouble, ” says Kenneth Alexandersson to Aftonbladet.”

“”Investing in real estate””

“In the same context describing the security service now for the first time also the buying of land in the vicinity of critical infrastructure and military objects – as widely reported in inter alia Finland in recent years where people with suspected links to the Russian government bought up the including real estate close to the military shipping lanes in the archipelago.”

“We have seen examples where the Russian interests on the different ways to invest in real estate that is located close to interesting military sites,” says Säpochefen Klas Friberg to Aftonbladet.”

“Senioranalytikern Kennet Alexandersson describes the acquisition as it attempts to ”establish underrättelseplattformar”.”

“– The new that has happened is just that the recent years of very rapid technological development together with economic globalisation, have created surfaces that are easier and more efficient can be used to establish platforms. It has become easier to buy companies and travel. It is a major strategic change that has occurred.”