Not Mature national road projects in the Council of States, not a Chance. The transport Commission’s (KVF) almost closed against three projects, which was approved by the national Council in the spring session.

It is the Bodensee-Thurtal-Strasse, the gap closure of the Zurich upper country highway between the upper Uster and Hinwil large centrifugal Betzholz and the muggenberg tunnel. The projects are so sophisticated, not once the costs are known. A year and a half before the elections, it approved the national Council anyway.

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reference to rules

The Council of States Commission. They rejected the Zurich upper country highway and the muggenberg tunnel, without opposition, to the Bodensee-Thurtal-Strasse, with two votes against, as the parliamentary services announced on Wednesday. Since neither the content nor the cost of the projects are finally known, a guess the Commission the projects as not yet ripe for inclusion in the current expansion step.

The KVF guarantee also stress the importance of the regular planning process, which is a reasonable and balanced road development in all parts of the country Switzerland, it is said in the message. The national Council’s decision has triggered in those cantons which had kept the ordinary planning process, partly violent reactions.

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billion for the road

In the overall vote, the Council of States Commission without vote for the amended templates. The Expansion in 2019, would include the capacity expansion, Crissier, VD, the Bypass of Lucerne, with a Supplement to the South and extension North, as well as the Detours of Le Locle, NE, La Chaux-de-Fonds, NE, and Näfels, GL.

Together with the credit for the scheduling of not yet approved projects and the second tube of the Gotthard road tunnel, the estimated costs amounted to 5,651 billion Swiss francs. To template a credit of 8,156 billion Swiss francs for the operation, maintenance and adjustment of national roads for the period 2020-2023.

In the case of the agglomeration programmes, the KVF is also on the brake. At the beginning of April she had spoken out unanimously against the diversion of the upper castle BE for 77 million Swiss francs. The other from the national Council adopted additions were undisputed. The templates are expected in the summer session, in the Council of States. (sda/red)

Created: 01.05.2019, 12:16 PM