The Board of Directors of the “Mittelstand” and economic Union of the CDU in Berlin (WITH) to “all parties and political bodies, on the grounds of the former Tempelhof airport, including the existing building, only rooms for small – and medium-sized enterprises”. As it says in the slogan, the of the Board of management on the country delegates ‘ meeting on Wednesday (10. April 2019) will submit.

a concept for a perimeter building as a “centre of Berlin’s middle class” with no residential development, but only for commercial space would be developed, to the possible conflict potentials, to exclude, to a residential development.

The Association counts around 1000 members, but it is not really an extended Arm of the CDU: The majority (about 600) of members are not member of the party. Christian Gräff, the Chairman of the Association, however, It is the economic, as well as construction and housing policy spokesman of the CDU parliamentary group in the chamber of deputies and to be elected on Wednesday with the Board of Directors. In this respect, the largest opposition party, is likely to, the Association should approve the application, the idea in the house of representatives.

partners for this you could find about group boundaries. Because even within the government camp there are strong voices that always bring back an edge of the development of the Tempelhofer field in the game. So also the ruling SPD is considering a perimeter – but with flats.

Also, the governing mayor Michael Müller (SPD), a private Tempelhof, was in his time as Senator for urban development for a building. The corresponding referendum in 2014, the majority of Berlin had decided the inside and Berlin. A decision, which is legally non-binding.

Tempelhofer field – impressions more pictures of view 1 of 71Foto: Thilo Rückeis15.10.2018 09:13Schafe on the Tempelhofer field, almost like an image from a past time. At 14.10. 2008 the shepherd master Knut brought Back…and More

At a size of around 300 hectares, 50 hectares should be areas on the edge (i.e., one-sixth of the total area) for the trade, here there are the WITH. The majority of the site should remain free, accessible Park site. In addition, operating day-care centres close and a few of the company apartments with unique planning, legal links to the companies, so that no disturbing factors could exclude the economic use later, it means more in the draft.

In the case of surfaces in existing buildings and newly constructed buildings, according to the Definition of the Federal Ministry for economic Affairs small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with up to 250 employees and a maximum turnover of 50 million euros. The Association, therefore, is not to create land for a large company.

renovation and construction to be funded by the funding from EU, Federal and Land

Specifically, the net should rent not to exceed in the existing building of eight euros, and in the new buildings for commercial 13 Euro. You could take into account a renovation and new construction, including funding from the EU, the Federal government and of the country. The company should receive under the proposal, leases of up to ten years to get to a medium-term planning security.

Similar Considerations for the use of at least the listed airport building there were always. For instance, the then economic Senator Cornelia Yzer (CDU) had appropriate business concepts develop. It was clear even then: there are thousands of jobs, not without a better connection to transport infrastructure. Also, under the leadership of today’s economy, Senator Ramona Pop (Green) has defined the Senate economic administration of Tempelhof as a so-called “future-oriented site”, in particular, companies in the creative economy rooms.

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investment project in Berlin-Siemensstadt is the “future-oriented site”

Kevin P. Hoffmann

Of the approximately 190,000 companies in Berlin (from the 1-woman-solo operation to Siemens with nearly 12,000 employees) are about attributable of 170,000 small and medium-sized companies, which the Association takes in the view. They are similar to individuals affected on the search for housing – particularly hard by the increasing competition for land and rising Rents.