Would have, would have, bicycle chain, this statement by the hapless SPD chancellor candidate Peer Steinbrück goes quite well with the traffic light coalition. What could the Scholz government, which had taken it upon itself to dare more progress, have done if world events hadn’t spat them into the coalition soup?

Well, it probably would have been less than she has done or had to do in the past few months. The detachment from Russia as the main energy supplier, the readmission of the German armed forces, the development of a China strategy – all these issues have received the urgency they deserve due to the external circumstances.

Just as economic reality once forced Gerhard Schröder to tackle the long overdue reform of the German labor market, the traffic light cannot avoid rethinking energy, defense and trade policies.

However, the Scholz government ignores the fact that the turning point affects not only the outside but also the inside. Citizens’ income, a twelve-euro minimum wage, the Opportunity Residence Act – in domestic politics, business as usual is treated as if it were business as usual.

The illusion that the state can absorb all hardships and at the same time preserve the debt brake as the foundation of sound budgets is financed by special funds and shadow budgets. In fact, the turning point of the traffic light is only a partial turnaround, because in terms of party politics, the coalition members are still stuck in the times before: the Greens on the condemnation of nuclear power, the SPD on the power of social welfare and the FDP in their function as a brake force.