“We’ve been on the site and worked with the fjällräddare and polisflyg,” says Fredrik Nilsson, the duty officer at the police department.

It is not known how badly injured the man is. The alarm came in at 15.15 on Saturday and the cops were called out to the alpine fjällräddningsgruppen. Polisflyg has been documented by the scene of the accident, approximately 13 miles north-west of Kiruna, sweden.

< A skladad in the snowboardolycka

At the 17: 30 to the time and received another alert of a snowboardolycka on the Norwegian side of the ski resort of Riksgränsen, sweden. Even there, snatched from the English fjällräddare out and helping the Norwegian police in the rescue work.

Snowboardåkaren is an american citizen, he, at the age of 25.

” He jumped out of a four-meter-high cliff and is hurt. There was an ambulance at Kiruna, sweden, ” says Fredrik Nilsson from sweden.

in the Spring of the 2020, I heard the world said stop,

, AS GAD When I was the first one to dream bigger, I find it hard to believe in
fighting back against the neighboring states: ”They should have avoided the closed border”

Coronapandemin have put the nordic countries in the face of trouble.

Johan Gieseckes miljonaffärer – hide conflicts of interest

, linked to at least three businesses from My data more than 30 of the infected, after the play, at the graduation celebration ( direct report, Should not be surprised.”

the Doctor covid-boot on the mine: ”Where a lot of hay hay”

(See the excerpt from the much talked about pressträffen Several of the dead pigeons, found the confirmation of duvpest

the Dead and the sick, the pigeon was found on the island of Gotland.
