“The uk sneaking in time the electoral preparations”

“Schools and community halls to be booked as röstlokaler and millions of ballots to be printed – to a choice that may never get. In the absence of utträdesavtal forced Britain to reluctantly sneak in once the preparations for the EUROPEAN elections.”

“the Government must still officially announce that elections will be held, but this week went to pay for the preparations. Friday, april 12, you must leave a final decision.”

“Under normal circumstances, the preparations started already before christmas, now is the pressure on the electoral authorities huge. At the 2014 election was sent 7.2 million poströster out, it was 46.5 million voting cards and were 39 000 polling stations. Laura Lock, chair of the authorities administering the election, told the AFP news agency that they will do what is necessary but that it requires a ”

“the Tories have so far not revealed what the party is doing to nominate candidates, while the Labour party says that you are just making preliminary plans.”

“the Smaller parties bet bigger. The newly formed Independent Group, applied last week to the election authorities to be able to participate. Nigel Farage, one of the driving figures at the referendum in 2016, says he will set it up for its new brexit-party.”

“the voter Turnout in the uk EUROPEAN elections is usually low, but Laura Lock believe that brexit could have changed that.”

” People are planning for a larger turnout.”