The US Congress has agreed on the evening of the budget compromise. A Shutdown seems to have been averted, because President Trump wants to sign. But at the same time, he will declare a National emergency, the White house.

There is a good news for the citizens in the United States. A new Shutdown apparently averted permanently. The Republican majority leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, said he had spoken with Donald Trump and the was ready, the Congress adopted the draft budget.

U.S. President Donald Trump wants to declare a National state of emergency.

Then McConnell announced that Trump wool at the same time declare a National state of emergency. The spokesperson of the White house, Sarah Sanders, informed Trump of wool to stop a humanitarian crisis at the Mexican border and national security guarantee.

Trump had demanded from the Congress, nearly six billion dollars for a barrier at the border. But are provided for in the new budget to just under 1.4 billion for such a project. Trump declared the state of emergency, bypassing the Congress. He could draw money from the budgets of other ministries, in order to Finance the barrier. Such funds are actually in the military.

Trumps approach is controversial

This way is highly controversial. The democratic opposition leader Nancy Pelosi said it was conceivable legal action against trump’s decision. The Situation on the border was a humantäre challenge, but not a national emergency.

The democratic Congressman Adam Schiff urged Republicans to show Courage and to do something against the thrust of the President. The Declaration of a state of emergency will also be challenged in the Congress. Ship told CNN, then, will show whether the deputies are ready to defend the Constitution or to follow the will of the President.