The USA want to send within the next five years, astronauts on the moon faster than previously planned. Vice President Pence makes a great deal of pressure on NASA.

almost 50 years Ago a man stood for the first Time on the moon – in front of nearly 47 years, the last Time. It comes after the US Vice-President Mike Pence, is not the race to the moon but over. Only the challenges are greater, so Pence.

in Accordance with the will of the US government to soon American astronauts to the moon fly. Faster than previously planned: The US space Agency NASA is aiming for a moon landing for the year 2028 – now is that supposed to happen until 2024.

U.S. Vice President Pence at the National space entered.

next Stop: Mars

US Vice-President, Pence promised that both the first woman and the next man on the moon will be American astronauts. The Plan is an official specification of U.S. President Donald Trump. The aim of the Mission was on the moon to return to a base build and develop the technology, to bring American astronauts to Mars.

Pence urged NASA to work harder on a new moon mission. The authority needs to be leaner and more agile. Pence said that if necessary, fall back on the support of private space travel companies. NASA chief Jim bride Stine assured that he will do everything to meet the deadline.

the Plan of The US government is regarded as a big challenge. For a Mission to the moon, a suitable land vehicle must be built and tested. Space experts are sceptical about whether this can be achieved within a few years.

1/31 60 years of NASA history of US space