From the beginning of may apply to the Ölsanktionen of the United States against Iran without any further exception for certain States. The White house announced on Monday in Washington.

The United States had in November so far, the toughest economic sanctions against Iran in force. These focus primarily on the Iranian Oil industry, the largest source of income in the country.

Yet it had allowed the US government, but eight countries, initially for six months with impunity Iranian Oil import. Including two EU-countries.

This exception permits are still valid until the beginning of may, and then run. The aim is to reduce Iran’s oil Exports to Zero, it was said from the White house. Imports of Iranian Oil by Italy, Greece, Turkey, China, India, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan have not been punished.

The eight States are among the most important importers of Iranian crude oil. The U.S. government had declared in November, the exemptions for these States are due to the “special circumstances” of these countries and the Oil market.

Netanyahu praised the decision

Italy, Greece, and Taiwan have stopped their Oil imports from Iran. The other five States had sought to have the exceptions extend. US President, Donald Trump had not decided on Friday to do this, first reported by the Washington Post. So Trump wants to add to the economic pressure on Iran to make concessions that go beyond the nuclear agreement. The EU wants to hold on to the nuclear deal.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has praised the decision of the United States. “The decision of the US President, Trump and the American government is very important to increase pressure on the Iranian terrorist regime,” Netanyahu said on Monday, according to his office. “We are on the side of American determination against the Iranian Aggression, and this is the right way to stop this.”


Created: 22.04.2019, 16:30 PM