self-sabotage is an American peculiarity. In any other democracy, the elected representatives of the people verkrachen so regularly and so hard that you expose rather the Functioning of their own state than of their demands. The current Shutdown is the seventh self-inflicted partial shutdown of the US Federal government since 1990. Again, hundreds of thousands of state on leave of absence, employees forced or without pay, in use, important Offices and courts are closed, again this is going to be expensive. The 16-day long Shutdown in the autumn of 2013 has caused, according to estimates from Standard & Poor’s cost of 24 billion dollars. This year’s Shutdown experienced on Thursday, day number 20.

Cynical, naive, irresponsible. But our politicians are really better? These questions, at least in the UK, more and more voters. Because the United Kingdom is in a state of self-paralysis.

29. March 2019, the set date for exit from the EU, closer and closer, and still no majority capable Plan for the time after that. The disorderly, chaotic Brexit is a real possibility. And what the political Elite do? You leads word powerful, but completely fruitless debates about the will of the people, Brussels, renegotiations, or the exact wording of a political rear sticker on the car of the house-the Chairman. All of the political energy in the country is bound. British regional authorities will receive no responses and Decisions from Westminster, important transactions remain, the Brexit is important. “The Brexit has brought Britain to a standstill,” writes the media company Bloomberg.

Both governments to celebrate their destructive self-referred to the way of righteousness in an almost carnivalesque.

And so in the year 2019 begins with a double paralysis of the Anglo-Saxon world. While the Chinese land on the far side of the moon, nail yourself to US, such as the UK, the own feet on the earth. Instead of the world and the changing power structure deal both with yourself and your own failure.

Both governments to celebrate their destructive self-referred to the way of righteousness in an almost carnivalesque. The US President thinks out loud about his wall on the border to Mexico, for which it came to the Shutdown, without having to build a Parliament, and with emergency powers. Who needs democracy? The wall, said Donald Trump, is indispensable in the fight against the “spiritual crisis” in the United States. Migrants on the food of the soul. That the wall would be more of a “Game of Thrones”-a Symbol than an effective migration policy measure, recognise themselves Republicans.

In the United Kingdom, discussed the policy, meanwhile, new ferry routes. This should mitigate in the case of a hard-Brexit the traffic jam in front of the Dover, the new border controls undoubtedly would generate. British trucks are coming on the new routes to Europe, approximately from Ramsgate to the Belgian Ostende. Curious, however, that the government has awarded the 13.8-million-pound contract to a Start-up, and still no ships, and never a single truck has shipped.

“We are now able to do that role on the world stage, the world expects us to play.”Gavin Williamson, the British Minister of defence

One of the big advertised backwater of the sample, in the County of Kent failed this week due to a lack of participation; only 89 trucks were there, experts expect up to 6000 vehicles in the case of an emergency. There is grass of dilettantism in the British policy. “The Elite has failed,” says the Economist.

The promise of 2016 were different. To back age the Size of America, such as Britain. “Great Again!” Donald Trump summoned a humming-industrial America of steel and coal, fragrant Apple pie, and Yes, unchallenged white domination. In England, a new-old Kingdom, the rise freed from Brussels to deserved Size is summoned up today, a “Global Britain”,.

The weakness is also harmful to us

“We will now be able to do that role on the world stage, the world expects us to play,” says the British defence Secretary, Gavin Williamson. Empire 2.0. Such nostalgia is a Testament to the lack of reappraisal of history and a false evaluation of one’s own relevance. The Post-Brexit-reality are tedious contracts, agreements, submissions. Britain is no longer a world power.

bungling and a standstill should be Europe, not mocked. The US and the UK are the two Central forces of the West. Their weakness is also harmful to us. Europe has recognized in 2016, now that his hour, could beat that it needs to maintain its interests in the world yourself, and not to police the world. Traded but Europe has too little. Not in the case of the common migration strategy in dealing with the war in Syria, not the European army. Instead, aggressive forces, the promise of a glorious return to the Nation and the age, Size, strength of us nostalgic. This could be expensive.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 10.01.2019, 20:12 PM