was defeated for The White house in Washington announced the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria – the “Islamic state”. In September, Trump a strategy had been agreed, according to the in Syria, Iran fights.

The U.S. troops in Syria, should prepare themselves according to the will of US President Donald Trump on a retreat. Several US media reports.

Trump said in a Tweet, the “Islamic state” is defeated. For him, the fight against IS is the only reason for the U.S. troops have been a presence during his presidency.

The spokeswoman of the White house, Sarah Sanders, stated that the Caliphate of the IS to be defeated. The fight against the IS will be transferred in a new Phase. It had been started in order to bring the soldiers home. As the expected time frame for the withdrawal, called a U.S. government official in 60 to 100 days. Within 24 hours the employees of the foreign Ministry would be deducted.

The Wall Street Journal writes with reference to the topic of familiar persons, employees of the U.S. government have started to inform one’s Partner in Syria on the withdrawal plans. The news Agency Reuters reported that U.S. government employees have said, it is a complete withdrawal of U.S. troops will be considered.

According to CNN, Trump instructed the defense Ministry to make appropriate arrangements. The defense Ministry spokesman, Rob Manning, however, said: “Currently, we are working for, with and through our partners in the Region.”

Turkey threatens to attack on allies in Syria

In last week Trump was on the phone with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. This had threatened with an attack on Kurdish rebels in the North-East of Syria. Turkey considers the Kurdish rebels as allies of the forbidden workers ‘ party PKK. An attack would endanger the victory of the Kurdish-Arab SDF-Alliance, the remaining IS militants in the North-East of Syria. According to U.S. estimates, about 2000 IS there are fighters active.