“The wife of the Norwegian billionaire suspected to have been kidnapped”

“her Husband is required of the 92 million – wife missing since October.”

“Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen, 68, has been missing since October 31.”

“her Husband has been required for nine million euros in ransom.”

“The suspected kidnapping has been kept secret after threats that the woman would otherwise murdered.”

“the Police have advised the family not to pay ransom,” says the investigator Tommy Brøske.”

“Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen, 68, disappeared on 31 October 2018 and is believed to have been kidnapped from their home. “

“Since there is no sign of life after the woman – but nothing to specifically suggest that she would be dead, said police at a press conference. “

“the Case has been kept secret up to the Norwegian newspaper VG told me about the suspected kidnapping on Wednesday morning. At a press briefing confirms to the police that it lasted a very large investigation on the kidnapping since weeks back.”

” the Police don’t know where Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen held captive. Nor do we know if she has been in one place since Wednesday, October 31. It can be both within and outside Norway’s borders, ” says Tommy Brøske at the Eastern police district.”

“her Husband, Tom Hagen has a wealth of over sek 1.7 billion and the figure on the lists of Norway’s richest men. He is the founder of power company Electricity.”

“In the house, it should have been a note written in broken Norwegian, which calls for a ransom of 9 million euros, about 92 million, in the form of kryptovalutan Up, write PLEASE If the police were contacted, would 68-year-old die. The family have advised not to pay any ransom, say police at a press conference.”

“You suspect that Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen attacked and kidnapped from the couple’s bathroom in the home in Lørenskog just outside Oslo. It should not have been traces of burglary or stuck any clues on the video surveillance, write PLEASE the Police have stated, however, that hedged the track.”

“the Reason that the police go out in the media now is that despite an extensive investigation needs tips from the public. “

“It has been a difficult decision, but we hope and believe that we can get valuable information,” says Tommy Brøske.”

“It calls for particular observations around the home and an adjoining forest, in the morning, or the morning of the 31 October.”

“– We recall that it was halloween, many may be able to remember the day by this, ” says Tommy Brøske.”

“Mediepådraget in Norway is enormous. VG’s nyhetskommentator writes that Norway has been spared from similar cases where seemingly professional kidnappers demanded a ransom and set requirements not to contact the police. “

“When the police suspected that they been filed in connection to the house, they have not openly wanted to make any investigation of the crime scene. Instead, the regional police, secret services, Europol and Interpol, has been linked in.”

“the Communication has been done with the suspected kidnappers on a digital platform, says police on the pressträffen.”

“– There has not been any oral contact with them. There have not been signs of life from Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik the Paddock, but nothing that suggest she is not in life, ” says Tommy Brøske at the police.”

” Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen married 19-year-old with businessman Tom Hagen. They have three adult children and several grandchildren. She has previously served on the boards of the man’s company but have no active role in business today.”

“the Family appeal via the police to be left in peace by the media and the general public. The clock 14 will their lawyer to hold a press conference in Oslo.”