More than half a million people have seen the documentary, “Imprisoned and abandoned”, which was shown by NRK Brennpunkt 18. april of last year. The film from Ila prison and forvaringsanstalt shocked TELEVISION viewers and won the recently Helseprisen 2018.

In the morning, sounds helsekomiteen of the Parliament setting on a proposal from the SV about a push for the sickest prisoners. This will also justiskomiteens setting be known.

the Film’s producer Records Olin has faith in the political attention:

Commits the politicians

the Film has done nothing with people’s understanding of how the seriously mentally ill inmates are treated. Many people are upset. Out from the statements of involved politicians from several parties came in the wake of that film was shown on NRK in the last year, we now expect a binding action plan, where necessary, progress is ensured, says the Records Olin.

award winning: Documentary, “Imprisoned and abandoned” was in December honored with ExtraStiftelsens helsepris for 2018, presented by the president of the storting, Tone W. Trøen. Photo: Lars Erlend Tubaas Øymo / Speranza Film Show more

the Newspaper wrote in an editorial that the disturbing film “uncovered on both sombre and brutal show how seriously sick people are isolated and stowed away, some of them for years, without proper supervision or treatment. The isolation makes them worse and more dangerous for others and themselves. It is bordered to the torture of the insane people who might end up in custody the rest of his life thanks to the treatment in prison. Psychiatrist Randi Rosenqvist shall have great thanks for that she is fighting a tireless battle to secure the prisoners better treatment. Also fengselsdirektøren on the Isa and the parliamentary ombudsman have come with harsh criticism.”

After a three-day visit to the Isa in the last year our stated sivilombudsmann Aage Thor Falkanger:

I am concerned about the situation of certain prisoners, which in practice has been subject to isolation over a long time. The prison uses large resources on getting these inmates. They are still not able to treat this band’s mental disorders within the current framework. The authorities need to make sure to give this group of prisoners a proper treatment options and interrupt their isolation.

– know-how are

Records Olin believes a solution is possible:

Work is begun, but it must be followed up and completely in the target. Know-how about what should be done are both within correctional and mental health care.

STOWED AWAY: In an editorial, the daily newspaper Dagbladet that the film is “Imprisoned and abandoned”, which was shown in the NRK Brennpunkt 18. last april, revealed a sombre and brutal how seriously sick people are isolated and stowed away on the Isa. The film is still available on the Photo: Lars Erlend Tubaas Øymo / Speranza Film Show more

– We are glad that the government now has allocated money for a national enhanced fellesskapsavdeling on the Isa, but you must make sure that this is just the first, and not the only step to resolve the situation for the most severely mentally ill who are in prison, ” says Olin.

Menneskeverdig life Director Katja Høgset explains that the situation for the sickest prisoners in the Isa is far worse than she had been able to imagine.

– Prisoners find that the health situation of their being deteriorating. It’s about the right to live a menneskeverdig life that must apply to all, also those who are dangerous to society. Many of them do not have relatives who can speak their case. Their only witnesses are fengselsansatte, ” says Katja Høgset.

film producer Records Olin commend the staff:

Government whistleblowers

It remarkable is that here we have government whistleblowers in the prison system. In a number of years have they confirmed it that the Un torturkomité and the parliamentary ombudsman time and again have pointed out. The elected representatives in Parliament can not say that they do not know, they are very familiar with the situation, says Records Olin.

She points out that it’s about the most marginalised people in Norway.

– No make any to be their spokespersons. We can not take for granted that someone is engaging on behalf of uninhibited violent men who have committed some heinous actions. But we have human rights and laws which we are obliged to follow, ” says Olin.

Never forget

the Filmmakers hope that the film highlights the severity by the use of insulation in closed anstalter.

– We can not accept that the convicts are sicker of soningsforholdene. Prisoners have exactly the same rights to health care as all us others. What we must never forget, ” says Katja Høgset and Records Olin.

Boosting for the sick prisoners, Taking the fight up for the sickest prisoners

In the Norwegian Parliament is now a proposal from the SV to prepare a opptrappingsplan to strengthen the capacity to deal with severely mentally ill convicts in psychiatry.

Initiator Petter Eide, socialist left representative in the justice committee in Parliament, informed to the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet, when the proposal was submitted last spring, that the goal is to end isolation and to ensure the treatment of the sickest prisoners.

the Proposal adds up to a clarification of the responsibility between correctional and health care, as well as a build-up of a psychiatric capacity in the prison, stated Owned.

– We take it up to the treatment in the Norwegian Parliament the situation of the most outcast in the community. Many of them have committed horrific atrocities. But most of them are themselves victims of abuse, and is let down by family, child and school, ” said A representative.