The employees in Hindelbank do that, what would do the caged women love to: run away. The fluctuation in the only correctional facility (prison) for women in Switzerland is above average. Since the beginning of 2017, in 35 of the 120 employees have been terminated. The research showed this newspaper.

Also broken down by individual years, the turnover rate is high: 2017 fraud in Hindelbank exclusive of retirements of 15.8 per cent, last year, 10 per cent. For comparison: Measured by the number of Disposals, the Situation in Hindelbank is more pronounced than in the two other prison in the Canton. In 2017, announced on the Thor mountain 7.9 per cent of employees, last year it was 4.8 percent. In Witzwil, the turnover amounted to 6.5 or 6.4 percent.

Exodus in the security wing

of the numerous Disposals, the management is Affected. Three of the six members of the Executive Committee in 2017, the last notice was just a few weeks ago.

According to information from former employees of the prison Hindelbank, the Situation is also in the residential group for Integration, and security is precarious, also belongs to the high-security Department: Seven of the eight employees have left the institution in the last two years or internally relocated. The accusation: The local Executive is unsuitable.

“In our institution, the working conditions are more complex than in other prison.”Annette Keller, Director of the prison of Hindelbank

Annette Keller, Director of the prison of Hindelbank, the affected line is: “I see there is no leadership problem.” They explained the Exodus in the residential group for Integration and security, rather, with the “big load” of the staff. “Also, the employees there suffer to a certain extent, under a kind of deprivation of liberty. You are working in a confined space and must comply with many rules.”

Also for the a number of other Disposals since 2017 the basement has organizational explanations. “In our institution, the working conditions are more complex than in other prison. Already only therefore, because we are the only women’s prison and, therefore, all types of Detention from the Employment up to the high-security full-pull.”

This automatically leads to a higher work load. Therefore, you can understand it well that some of the women in the prison of Hindelbank has a lot of Social workers and social pedagogues – were looking for several years to a quieter place without shift and weekend work. “The Situation becomes more difficult for the staff to the fact that we have a full occupancy. We are not aligned,” says Keller.

basement has criticism back

In talks with former Hindelbank-employees, the remark falls several times, the Director of the basement to lead the women’s prison dictatorial and controlling their employees through the common Mass. The staff therefore have to be afraid to make mistakes. When asked about this, says Keller: “There was a single Person in the last few years, has accused me of this after the termination. Otherwise, I was criticised in this respect, never.”

“A survey among the employees showed that they feel the burden of the tasks and because of external factors.” Director Keller

Keller stresses that you will deal with the high turnover. “I have decided, therefore, in 2017, just looking at it.” She gave a bachelor thesis in order to investigate the working conditions in the departments with high turnover.

The result confirmed Keller’s attitude: “A survey among the employees showed that they feel the burden of the tasks and because of external factors.” In contrast, the cooperation in the Team and with the superiors, had been a rating of very good. “Which leads me to conclude that our working climate is good,” said Keller.

Canton of praises Director

To the same conclusion, the competent office of the prison: “many of The layoffs have to do with the complex requirements and the above-average burden in the prison of Hindelbank.” A leadership problem does not exist. On the contrary: “woman in the basement of the prison leads Hindelbank very goal-oriented, and with high professional and social competence,” spokesman Olivier Aebischer align.

Thus the Situation is diametrically different than in the prison of Thorberg: Director, Thomas Egger, is due to many retirements, criticism of his leadership style, as well as massive dissatisfaction among the employees known to be under surveillance and has at least temporarily lost a part of the support of the Executive Council. At the end of October, police Director, Philippe Müller asked him for six months, a Coach, and was one of Egger public.

Of such Intervention by the cantonal government seems to Hindelbank-Director Annette Keller, in spite of a higher fluctuation rate miles rate currently to be far away. (Berner Zeitung)

Created: 08.03.2019, 17:10 PM