Next week is the Zurich municipal Council decides on the municipal Budget in 2020. This provides for a total expenditure of nearly nine billion Swiss francs, an increase of 35 million Swiss francs. But financial chief Daniel Leupi (Grüne) warned at the presentation of the budget for caution: In the next few years, the impact of the tax template 17 would burden the city’s finances. Therefore, the city Council wants to keep the Tax rate at 119 per cent.
unlike the FDP . You are requested to lower the Tax rate to six percent, as party President Severin Pflüger confirmed. “The city of Zurich grows in population and economic power, but still grow stronger spending,” he argues. Until now, the municipality have to win all of the Growth in absorbed and in their own growth put. These gains would be to the inhabitants returned. “The inhabitants are to benefit from the growth and the compaction; in particular, the middle class, contributing more to the Tax base of the city of Zurich, is to be relieved,” says Plowman.
SVP check request
The SVP only” a three percent reduction requested”, as the municipal Council Stephan Iten says. A tax reduction is urgently needed. Whether the FDP-demand support, is still open. “We will examine in the group.” No support for the FDP receives from the green-liberal. You will vote for a permanent Tax base, as group leader Isabel Garcia says.
SP-President Marco Denoth holds the FDP application for “showmanship”. Such a tax reduction would be mainly the Rich and less to the middle class something. In addition, you would not be vonsicheren cycle routes and more affordable housing. Daniel Leupi not want to comment on the FDP amendment. He points out that a reduction to 113 percentage points would mean a Tax loss of approximately 111 million Swiss francs. The demands of the Bourgeois left-look Green in the opposite relative left: SP , Green, and AL in the 125-member Council over 69 seats.
Created: 04.12.2019, 15:27 PM