Barely 14 days before the Hill opens out a war between a teltholder and a forester in the Garden, as in the 436 years has been the setting for the world’s oldest amusement park.

Klaus Rasmussen, owner of the tavern and musikstedet Pølsekroen, has committed the iniquity that have brought about eight square meters heated by electricity in the extension of the værtshusets terrace at the back.

It will Nature is not to find itself in, because you have never given permission for the tiles here.

Before Klaus Rasmussen, eight years ago took over the place, there was, however, also tiles, but the ones he changed two years ago out with some nicer and more workable.

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These ca. eight square feet heated by electricity is a problem for the Danish Nature agency. Photo: Private

The previous owner Stay Clemmensen confirms to Ekstra Bladet, that there also lay the tiles, since he in his time took over the Pølsekroen.

– I will shoot at, that there have been tiles in at least 30 years and perhaps even longer, ” says Bo Clemmensen, who calls the Danish nature agency behavior ‘completely out of the woods’ and moreover emphasises that he has never heard from the authority on flisegangen.

It has now been destroyed.

Thursday came a contractor, and removed the tiles and poured the soil out instead. At the risk of sounding like a arguer, so looks like it’s a pile of crap, says Klaus Rasmussen, who now can expect a bill for the work.

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Flisegangen is replaced with a pile of soil. Photo: Rasmus Flindt Pedersen

– It is the pure mafiameoder. I have spent about 25,000 dollars on stenkøb and professional paver – in addition, the forest’s own – and risk a bill of a similar amount from Jægersborg Skovdistrikt. It is not safe, I can afford to pay, and then I go on the arse. It is døduretfærdigt, says Klaus Rasmussen, who adds that in his day he bought Pølsekroen as is, after he nearly 40 years ago and fell in love with the beer and musikstedet.

falling in Love occurred during a swing the little Ulla, as he also fell head over heels for. They were 19 and 20 years. The next time rounds Klaus Rasmussen 60 and has since been married to Ulla, who he has driven several companies in deer park. The two also have a five horse-drawn carriages carrying people around in the green in the north of Zealand.

– For me to see there is a forester, who has decided that the Hill-people just need to kanøfles in one way or another instead of looking at how things have been for 30 years. It is the abuse of power.

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Klaus Rasmussen and the waiter Brian on the terrace, where there is bestowed upon plenty of draft beers for happy Hill-guests. Photo: Rasmus Flindt Pedersen

The Pølsekroens terrace, where for a while can look out over the Kildesøen and nature and get a break from the hordes of cotton candy-gnaskende Hill-guests, Nature is not tampered with.

– I could also have let the broken tiles lie, but then there was suddenly the one that had stood on the head and ass and broken both arms and legs. Instead I made a nice curb in front of the railing, which now has created a hell of trouble. I’m afraid of what the next will be, says Klaus Rasmussen, which sometimes has made café tables with space for two up on the flisegangen, if his terrace has been crammed with guests.

He insists, however, that flisegangens primary function has been to ensure that the guests are not wading directly down in a mud puddle when they leave the refreshment.

The teltholderes rent is based on a sales tax, which is paid to the Danish Nature agency.

– If we say that Pølsekroen earn a few million on the five-six months, which is open, is our rent, which will be paid directly to the forest, on a piece of over 100,000 dollars a year. Now believe you evidently, I have enriched myself with eight square feet heated by electricity, which has always been there, but if I had to make a little extra money on the times I have set tables and chairs up on the flisegangen, then comes the Nature to the good, because it will increase my rent, says teltholderen.

in Addition to the hestevognsdriften and Pølsekroen driver Klaus Rasmussen and his wife also Pølsekroens Grill & ice cream parlour. It lies between the Pølsekroen and Albany, where, among other Tommy Seebach appeared in his last years.

To the left of the Pølsekroen, which is often played up to dance with the old John Mogensen-hits, is Høkassen.

Pølsekroen was founded in 1928, and since there is over so much beer through ølhanerne.

– Pølsekroens friends counts several hundred members, who love music and ølstemning. I hope you do not succeed someone to destroy with bureaucracy and rules.

Skovridderen: We will not annoy anyone Pølsekroen serves not sausages, but the beer. Hungry can you ask in a grill house on the right. Photo: Private

It is not out of fear that a child must skvatte that Nature inexorably has scrapped Klaus Larsen’s heated by electricity.

– Dyrehavsbakken is located on the Danish nature agency land, and we have a cooperation agreement with A/S Dyrehavsbakken amusement park and a local plan, which must ensure that the Dyrehavsbakken not grow beyond its limits and into the Garden. It is in the interests of the forest and the beautiful landscapes of the forest, the guests and The guests, says skovridder Kim Søderlund to Ekstra Bladet.

The forester, Klaus Rasmussen reaches out for the, have not even had the desire to speak out.

Skovridderen maintains that there never has been given or applied for a permission to flisegangen.

– So communicate to him that he must remove it, and if not for the deadline, so we remove it at his expense.

– The previous holder of the Pølsekroen says that there were also tiles here, when he had the site – he estimates that there have been tiles in up to 30 years…

– We do not have records on it, and according to our knowledge it has not been there. This is not consistent with our knowledge, aerial photographs, or agreements.

– Lying is the previous owner?

– I don’t know. We have not given permission, and the owner has failed to provide any proof other than testimony, which says it is there. They had searched, they had had no say skovridderen, which adds, to the Danish Nature agency solely are out to ‘protect it all’ and sometimes must set an example.

– If naboteltholderen sees that he can build out with eight-square, so he thinks that it may he well also. We need to be a little squarer in the administration, if we must take care of the Garden. And there are not any that have come itl damage.

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the former holder of The Pølsekroen maintains that, for years, has been heated by electricity at the back of the Pølsekroens terrace

– Klaus Rasmussen maintains that flisegangen was there when he took over eight years ago. He has refurbished it, and spent about 25,000 dollars. Now he must pay to have removed it. It is not free. He estimates that it could cost him 25.000 crowns more. It also makes the hurt – in their pockets…

– If he has been in good faith, it is pity, but it hits on some principle, and what we are exposed to, is that teltholderne in general would like to move out to the Garden and expand with a square meter here and there. However, there is set a line, and if you go over the line, we need to say niksenbiksen, says skovridderen, who do not believe that the demolition of the tiles are so expensive, as Klaus Rasmussen fears.

– for years, the Hill had only the permission to have open some specific months in the spring and summer – I am aware of to bother the animals at least possible. Now you have given permission for extended opening hours during the autumn holidays and at christmas – how much generate eight square feet heated by electricity kronhjortene in relation to the extra noise and noise from the amusement park?

– The two things cannot be compared. There have been a number of discussions about the regulation both in relation to the environment and nabopåvirkning, and here you have found each other. And you have listened to us as owners of the Dyrehavsbakken amusement park. If we had said no as the owner for christmas or thanksgiving, it’s perhaps not attractive for teltholderne to have their business. And we are not out to bother teltholderne. We also live by teltholderi, and so valued, that it might well, and so if you try it, says skovridderen, who stresses that the new tests with extended opening hours does not make it less important to adhere to the agreements and not build out in deer park.

– we will not find ourselves in. But we are interfering not so much in what is going on inside at Dyrehavsbakken.