Scabies is by no means a skin disease which has been eradicated. On the contrary, one is tempted to say, far more cases of scabies have been found in 2018 than we have seen in previous years.

According to dermatologist David Mølenberg in Copenhagen, so he has seen a growing trend of scabies among the younger part of the population. Especially those in the age group of 15-20 are the ones who seek their own doctor and dermatologists, because they have been the little unwanted fnatmide under the skin.

– You see scabies get in periods, and it is contagious especially among young people, since they have very close contact with each other. The close contact can be young at a boarding school, which is located in the same sofa all evening and watch films.

– Scabies is transmitted through contact, but there must be more than just a handshake before you have been infected. Ordinary social contact, such as a quick hug or handshake is transmitted not explains David Mølenberg.

the Bedding can be a carrier of scabies as miderne can survive for 36 hours outside the host. Therefore, it is important that you change the bedding often, and that you kogevasker all his clothes.

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How to detect scabies

the Scabies (scabies) is caused by infestation with fnatmiden, there are 0.25 mm wide and can be seen only with the microscope. The most prevalent symptom is the rather sudden development of intense, generalized itching, which usually occurs 2-6 weeks after smittetidspunktet for those who are infected for the first time. The itching is worst at bedtime, when the heat gets fnatmiderne to be more active. Fnatmiden can survive outside the body for up to 36 hours at room temperature

the skin symptoms show themselves as a rash with small pale or blisters, especially in the thin skin at the fingermellemrummene and on the fingers, elbows, brystpartiet and in the groin. Gradually is also seen kradsningsmærker because of the excessive itching.

the Infection occurs through close and direct contact among close family members (sovefællesskab).

the Spill shortly after smittetidspunktet, and treatment is initiated.

Itching developed of not previously infected after 4 weeks and in previously infected after a few days.

Scabies by the itching, which occurs 3-6 weeks after infection. The itching is most pronounced at night. The clubs over most of the body. Children under 1 year are also attacked in the face and hårbund.

Even by pronounced itching, there are often only a few kradsemærker and bumps on the skin.

It can be difficult to make a diagnosis especially in people with high personal hygiene.

By itching and suspected scabies, the doctor must be contacted for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment. When it is identified with scabies, should be given treatment for all in the household and to persons who have lain in the same bed as the infected.

It is important that all be treated simultaneously, since the other members of the family can be infected, although they have not yet acquired symptoms. Towels and bed linen washed at min. 60 ° C in connection with the examination.

After treatment, there is no longer risk of infection, but the itching might still persist in some time.

You should be aware of the itching and the rash of children in the 3-6 weeks after the last case.

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It can be difficult to know whether one has been infected, and thereby the unhappy owner of a bunch of fnatmider, as there is a long period of time from infection to symptoms break out. Among the symptoms are that annoying itching and rash.

– It is important to remember that it may take a long time, between three and six weeks, you have had the contact to get the symptoms. Have you suspected symptoms then it is important that you tell them you have been in contact with, ” explains David Mølenberg.

Having to sit with a spirrende suspect that you have been infected with scabies, so one should not rush down to the pharmacy and buy over the counter medicines to hjemmebehandle.

– You must always go to his own doctor and get the diagnosis. The doctor can not make it, so can a dermatologist. It is never a good idea to treat for scabies if you do not know whether you are infected, says the dermatologist.

the Dermatologist may identify scabies by examining the infected skin through a magnifying glass, when he will be able to see the times, as hunmiden digs into the skin. You will experience itching and the rash, so it is a good idea to consult your own family doctor to get examined.

See also: After a large scabies outbreak: Had to pay 800.000 dollars for cleaning