the Whole 39 per cent of the Swedish household bought non-alcoholic beer during the last year. It shows the survey ”Household dagligvaruinköp 2018” from Dagligvaruleverantörers covenant, DLF, which has been developed by the research company GfK.

– We can clearly conclude that the warm summer has made her, ” says Fredrik Ydell, project manager at GfK.

In the summer, testified, inter alia, the Monopoly of the sale of non-alcoholic beer increased. But the trend is more long-term than that and over the last five years sales have almost increased fivefold, according to the trade association the Swedish breweries.

today, there are several breweries that have noticed the trend and responded to consumer demand, more and more want to drink non-alcoholic beer to affect the brewing industry positively, ” says Anna-Karin Fondberg, president of the Swedish breweries.

the interest for the non-alcoholic beer is to drink, in many cases, taste better than in the past. This is the view of the brewery Spendrups, whose sales of non-alcoholic beer increased by 65 percent during the summer.

in particular, I think that it depends on the taste has become significantly tastier than what it was ten years ago, due to the fact that many breweries produce beer in a different way today, which makes the taste is still there, ” says Rose-Marie Hertzman, head of media relations at Spendrups.

The new way to create a non-alcoholic beer is through the manufacturing process of beer. When strong beer is brewed with taking the manufacturers remove the alcohol from the beverage while the taste will remain. Several major breweries manufactures nowadays a non-alcoholic beer in this way, according to Rose-Marie Hertzman.

But it is far from all 350 Swedish breweries that use this method. Among other things, it can be difficult for smaller breweries to produce alcohol-free beer that way because it is costly, ” says Anna-Karin Fondberg.

– But it is an interesting market that I believe will continue to grow, but it is far from all that can make a non-alcoholic beer on the way, ” she says.

sales of non-alcoholic beer increased by 30 to 40 percent each year, then in 2015. In the larger matvarubutikerna there are up to 40 different options on the öldrycken.

– the Target group for non-alcoholic beer is quite dispersed, but it is above all younger people which is alcohol-free, while the older cling to lättölen, ” says Tobias Rydergren, press officer at Coop.

last year, sales of beer by eight per cent. According to Anna-Karin Fondberg, the Swedish breweries, is the reduction of the social occasions for a light beer has disappeared with time.

– Instead of taking a beer to the food, many people choose water, ” she says.

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