Finding love on the supermarket shelf – in most cases, the reality is now different. More than half of all couples who have met in the past two years have met online. This is the result of a new representative survey commissioned by the dating app “” from Austria.

A trend that is likely to have intensified due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic. Only four percent of those surveyed stated that they had met while going out. 20 percent of the couples, on the other hand, were introduced through their circle of friends and acquaintances.

The study surveyed a total of 1,500 people between the ages of 18 and 75 from November 29 to December 7, 2022. Among them were 452 singles and 1,048 people living in a partnership. 65 percent of the singles stated that they had already had experience with online dating, were currently using online offers, or were at least interested in doing so.

According to the results, the greatest affinity exists among 30 to 39 year olds. As in real life, there are certain behaviors when dating via apps and online portals that signal whether the chemistry is right.

Before we go deeper into the topic, one more question for you:

“Men and women report different experiences when it comes to online dating and also about different aspects that bother them and that are important to them on the other side,” explains Parship psychologist Caroline Erb in a press release.

One aspect of the survey shows how differently the sexes tick when it comes to online dating: For around half of the single women surveyed, sending unsolicited nude pictures is an absolute no-go. On the other hand, only eight percent of men are bothered by the so-called nudes if they are sent without warning. The situation is similar with sexual hints or questions about sexual preferences: 48 percent of women, but only six percent of men consider this to be inappropriate or even a “red flag” – a clear warning signal that contact should better be broken off.

Pushiness and impatience are also clear no-gos for single women. More than a quarter find it annoying when they are pressured into answering – and a fifth do not like it when the other person immediately suggests a date. Parship psychologist Caroline Erb explains: “Women in particular attach great importance to a safe and secure environment in which online dating can take place respectfully under clear rules. It must be clear for both sides which limits must not be crossed so that it is possible to get to know each other on an equal footing.”

According to the results, single men are particularly annoyed by non-commitment and a lack of commitment. Four out of ten respondents said that ghosting particularly bothers them. The sudden loss of contact without explanation, but also brief messages such as “Hi” or “OK” and irregular answers are a real turn-off for around a third.

Among women, only 25 percent spoke out against ghosting and 24 percent against laziness in texting. Apparently, they attach greater importance to correct spelling – more than a third of single women are bothered by spelling mistakes. Men are less fussy – only 17 percent deduce character from spelling skills. On one point, however, both genders almost agree: Honesty is important to 55 percent of women and 45 percent of men. Information about age, relationship status or size should not be lied to.

“Every fifth single in Germany is a long-term single,” explains the “Elitepartner” portal – this is due to high standards, insecurities, shyness, the focus on one’s own career, but also the fear of commitment or the lack of desire for a partner. The complexity of the topic also makes it clear that dating should be treated with the same respect as in other social situations. Ghosting or abusive behavior can make some people withdraw even more or increase their fear of attachment.

“It’s about consciously maintaining manners that do good instead of hurt. Everyone should treat their new acquaintance the way they wish to treat themselves. In the knowledge that there are real people behind the profiles, along with their emotional world,” says Caroline Erb.

However, self-care is at least as important as respectful cooperation. You want to know how you can do something good for yourself as a single?