– Grupperabat. Is it possible?

– Hold on, Jeanette, it is here, they must not slipep away with.

– Either those who raped you, or the state.

How to write Kristin B on the Norwegian Tv-2 Facebook page in the most popular (674 likes) of the 620 comments that are written on the replacement Jeanette, who, as a 16-year-old back in 2004 was gang-raped by six men, must have.

the high Court has considered that her compensation shall be calculated as if she has been exposed to one rape, while she and her lawyers are now going to the supreme court because they believe that she must be compensated as if she has been exposed to six rapes.

– For her appears every rape is a complete violation, and it is therefore reasonable that these should be fully compensated, says her lawyer Åge Eidsvig for TV2.no, and Jeanette herself says that she is disappointed over the way the system treats her at:

the nation – 7. jan. 2016 – pm. 14:25 She said ‘no’: the Men heard it as ‘yes’ and came violently in her

– What do they think about?

– I was 16 years old when it happened, and I feel that it is them, as the winner, she says, about the amount she has been awarded pt.

In Norway, the case-law that a rape victim receives dkk 150,000 and Jeanette requirement is therefore 900.000 kr for gruppevoldtægten. Jeanette was awarded 300.000, because the rape was particularly violent, and her damage is particularly serious, and it stands to TV.no’s Facebook friends, so that is her requirement for six double compensation entirely reasonable requirement:

– Fy for the hell – think that they can splice on the bill.

– These devils are laughing because by the Norwegian judiciary.

– It is an insult to this poor girl, writes Anita H, and Kate L appears, in fact, that gruppevoldtægter should trigger the extra-large substitutes:

– Grupperabat.. I miss the words.

– What is the legislation we have in Norway – that should give tillægsstraf, writes Kate.