the Year 2018 is immediately over, and that Dagbladet has previously written, was the Trump-a year full of scandals. The year has also been full of lies and false statements, as president Donald Trump has lirt by himself.

15 per day

Falsehoods in the form of Twitter messages came already 2. January 2018, where the president came with statements about Iran, the New York Times and Hillary Clinton.

He also took on responsibility for the safest year ever in commercial aviation, even though the president has little to do with it to make commercial aviation, writes the Washington Post.

Cohen is in trouble. Now they will investigate Trump business empire

According to the newspaper, which refers to “The Fact Checker” had the president already come with the 1989 false and misleading statements when the 2018 began, and this escalated to a total of 7600 at the end of the year.

This corresponds to the 15 false statements per day in 2018.

Tvangsseperasjon of the families

In June exploded the number of erroneous utsagt per month with 500. The same thing was repeated in July and august, and it was almost 600 in september. In October topped it with 1200 before it went down to 900 in november.

the Elevations of the lies came after The white house stopped with regular press conferences, and Trump himself thus became the primary voice in the administration, writes the Washington Post.

Now wondering “all” of what was in the safe

In the summer, president Donald Trump and his administration massive criticism for the detention of children and tvangsseparasjon of the families that tried to take him illegally across the border from Mexico. He owed on the already existing laws, made by the democrats, was the reason tvangsseparasjonen and which necessitated internment.

It shall not vote. It was his administration which in april began to aim all of those who took over the border illegally, with its “zero tolerance”policy. The justice department can’t aim children together with their parents, as the natural result of this policy has been a strong increase of the separation of families, wrote the Washington Post in the summer.

In november claimed Trump that Obama also separated children from their families on the border. This is not correct. There is no known the Obama policy that led to this. His administration attempted to keep families together, writes CBS News, which has faktasjekket claim.

Detention of children on the border to Mexico: Trump is being accused of using the children as pressmiddel “Hysjpenger”

In the course of the year, the Trump several times refused to know the payout of the “hysjpenger” during the campaign.

Claims Trump attended the hysjpengemøte

But Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, has acknowledged that he paid out money to the former pornostjerna Stormy Daniels and the former playboymodellen, Karen McDougal, who both claim that they have had a relationship with president Trump.

In her confession claimed Cohen implied that the payments were made “in collaboration with, and under the auspices of the” the Donald Trump.

tax cuts and the wall

Trump’s assertion that he has been through the biggest skattekuttet in american history, is also incorrect. This he has argued a number of times, even though statistics from the United states finance shows that the seven times previously enacted major tax cuts.

We build the wall while we talk, ” said president Trump on Fox News in October.

“Mexico to pay for the wall” and “We build and restore many miles of wall already, nothing is done,” he wrote on Twitter in December.

Authorities are working to fix and replace old sections of grensegjerdet, but the construction of a wall has not yet begun, and it will not start in the year, writes CBS News. And the claim that the new handelsavtalen between the united STATES, Mexico and Canada will lead to the fact that Mexico takes regninga, to be groundless.

“Kaospresidenten” keep talking more often false: – He has surpassed himself