The suspected stabber von Brokstedt is also behaving in a conspicuous manner in custody in Neumünster, said SPD domestic politician Niclas Dürbrook on Wednesday after a meeting of the interior and legal committee. Before that, Secretary of State Otto Carstens (CDU) had informed the MPs in a non-public session after a report by the police union (GdP) about the behavior of Ibrahim A. in Neumünster.

According to the Justice Department, the man’s security category has not changed. The prison management had decided that judicial staff would not have to carry a weapon if Ibrahim A. were to visit the hospital. Justice Secretary Carstens said that no hospital visit has been necessary so far.

The responsible department head of the Ministry of Justice said in the committee that there was some discretion in the measures to be taken by the institution. “That was technically not objectionable.” Carstens emphasized that the representation of the union, according to which there had been an instruction from the house, was wrong. Rather, the prison itself informed the responsible specialist department of its decision by telephone.

The FDP domestic politician Bernd Buchholz emphasized on the sidelines of the meeting that there was no evidence that the prison management had misjudged how dangerous a man was. Ibrahim A. is a difficult prisoner.

A report by the GdP had become known last week, according to which the 33-year-old is said to have regularly threatened and insulted employees in detention. “Ibrahim A. currently appears unpredictable and at the same time poses a significant threat to the colleagues deployed on site through his behavior,” writes the regional prison group in an information sheet. Through his behavior he brings all the other prisoners against him. Insults and threats would be accompanied by appropriate gestures.

The Palestinian Ibrahim A. is said to have attacked passengers on a train from Kiel to Hamburg with a knife on January 25 and killed two young people. Five others were injured. The man had been released from custody in Hamburg just a few days earlier. He is said to have exhibited mental health problems while in prison. According to the judicial authority, there were also two incidents in the JVA.

The processing of the case revealed clear deficiencies in the exchange of information between authorities in Hamburg, Kiel and North Rhine-Westphalia, where Ibrahim A. lived and also committed crimes.