In many German cities took place over Easter actions for peace. The demand for disarmament is for many people Central, it is the network peace cooperative.

According to information from the peace movement have taken place over Easter in around 100 towns and cities actions for peace, disarmament and justice. “Central claims in the case of the Easter marches were disarmament, a world free of nuclear weapons and the stop of arms exports,” said the network peace cooperative.

The regional and local organizers of the Easter marches were to report on the numbers of a recognizable growth of the participants. Also political parties, trade unions and environmental movements were more marches part.

came To the rallies ten to 20 percent more people, according to information from the peace cooperative, on average, than in previous years.

world location and good weather bring a high number of participants

The number of participants have increased as a result of the good weather and the “worrying political situation in the world” again this year. Peace political issues were again brought into the consciousness of the people, said the network. The progressing armament of Germany count”, the risk of a nuclear arms race in Europe caused by the upcoming Out of the INF Treaty”.

peace political themes of the marches are at the heart of Easter.

Central demand: disarmament

The demand for disarmament is for many people Central, said Philipp Ingenleuf, managing Director of the network peace cooperative: “they fear that money will not be invested in areas such as pensions, education, care or climate protection, but rather in rockets, bombs, and tanks. That’s why more and more unions are involved, for example, again at the Easter marches”.

Also, the topic of climate change is through the “Fridays for Future”movement is more present than in previous years and have brought new people to the Easter marches.

the first Easter March in the Lüneburger Heide

origin of the Easter had marches in the late 1950s in the UK. The first Easter March in the Federal Republic of Germany in 1960, in the lüneburg Heath. At the time, a few hundred people in the military exercise demonstrated the mountains-Hohne against the re-armament of Western Germany and a equipment of the Bundeswehr with nuclear weapons.

go To the weddings of the peace movement at the end of the 1960s, as well as during the retrofitting debate at the beginning of the 1980s, hundreds of thousands came to the rallies. After that, the Easter March movement was weaker, she experienced because of the wars in Yugoslavia and the Persian Gulf, but a temporary recovery.