President Al-Bashir is toppled, the protests in Sudan against the new military government will go further: in Spite of an output of thousands of Sudanese have demonstrated to lock in the capital Khartoum.

After the coup in Sudan, thousands of people, the output of the new military barrier defied the government and continued protest. Several protesters spent the night on the square in front of the military headquarters in the capital, Khartoum.

you participated in a sit-in in front of the military headquarters, to demonstrate against the new, transitional government-appointed chief Awad Mohammed Ibnuf. They are demanding the transfer of power to a civilian government. The protesters played music and called singing for the resignation of the previous Secretary of defense.

sit-in in front of the military headquarters, Despite a curfew, there are protests.

After months of anti-government mass protests, the armed forces had deposed on Thursday the authoritarian President Omar Al-Bashir. The military wants to stay according to their own statements two years in Power, in order to pave the way for free elections.

Former defense Minister of the new military Council chief

The new strong man of the previous Vice-President and Minister of defense Ibnuf, who worked for many years at Al-Baschirs page. He imposed a three-months state of emergency and ordered a curfew.

In Sudan, has been sworn in, the new military government.

opposition groups have condemned the coup, demanded a civilian transitional government and announced further protests. It is unclear whether and how the army will take action against the ongoing protests.

foreign office advises against travel to Sudan from

The Federal Foreign office in Berlin advised because of the coup of not urgently necessary travel to the country in the North-East of Africa. More “violent riots” in particular, in Khartoum could not be excluded, it said.

Since months of protests

tens of thousands had been protesting for months against the rule of Al-Baschirs. Triggered the demonstrations due to price increases for food and other everyday Goods, which in turn is linked to the severe economic crisis. Over time they were increasingly opposed the authoritarian head of state.

Ex-President Al-Bashir was around 30 years in office.

Al-Basheer is made for the violent death of millions of people in Darfur, the Nuba mountains and other conflict regions in the Sudan and in South Sudan responsible. By the International criminal court he is wanted for genocide warrant. Many States have outlawed the Sudan under his rule.

In February imposed Al-Bashir, a state of emergency, dissolved his government and the Federal States, and declared that he would resign as head of the party in government. This is the situation is not defused.