“To stop men’s violence against women as inevitable”
“To grow up as a woman, is to gradually become aware of how dangerous it is to associate themselves with a man, at the same time as all society’s conventions encourage us to do just that.”
“The feminist activist Gloria Steinem stirred up emotions when she in an interview a few years ago claimed that more american women killed by their partners than the number of americans who have been killed in the attacks of september 11, 2001 AND the two following invasionskrigen against Afghanistan and Iraq.”
“It didn’t take long for faktacheck services to confirm that she was right, and it is by far.”
“While just under 10 000 soldiers and civilians died in battle or terrorist attack, killed more than 15 000 american women over the same period of his partner.”
“the War against women requires more victims than the war against the terrorists is also in the western world’s largest democracy. And yet, we’re talking about the one as the cause and the other as a political skuldräkning. While those who die in the conventional war will be martyrs renders the death of the relationship not a few statsbegravningar. No memorial tablet to be nailed up over the women that was murdered by a man who claimed he loved them. Instead of minutes of silence – a compact of silence.”
“the Reactions to the documentary on Josefin Nilsson’s life and death has been strong. It is, of course, to some extent, that the victim was a beloved artist and the perpetrator a supported actor. It exposes also a few of the most common vanföreställningarna about violent men, among other things, that they be punished too is sentenced to a life in the outskirts of social acceptance. But that is not the case, even for celebrities, whether they are artists, athletes or politicians. Quite soon after conviction and sentence served, they can accomplish their mission again, after a couple of years, the history is usually forgotten.”
“another idea many are convinced about the fact that they would put her foot down as soon as they knew something and gets restless at work or in the circle of acquaintances. It is a good determination of doubtful reliability. I’m hardly the only one in my generation who remember the teacher who often came to school with unclear marks on the face, or the couple in the area that was rumored to have a ”stormy” relationship. I can’t remember that we once talked about them as potential victims of crime, or even tried to find out more. In adulthood, I have met so many women affected that I lost count.”
“But maybe it is actually different now? May have consciousness after MeToo done something about the violence affecting women. The language has no matter caught up with the reality. Fuzzy concepts such as ”violence in marriage”, which effectively dodge skuldfördelningen, has in recent years given way to men’s violence against women”. The word ”femicideu002Ffeminicide” is used in different variations in more and more languages and describes women who are killed because of their gender. Such slippage may seem like details, but it is important to verbalize the violence that affects women precisely because they are women.”
“Almost all of the men beats the feel any form of legitimacy behind their actions. It does not necessarily mean that the community has in mind that men will kill women, more a kind of resignerad acceptance of the fact that, despite everything, it happens and happens again. The most important thing we can do is to stop treating it as an inevitable familjetragedi.”
“One in three women are affected”