“After almost two years with their colleagues at the us congress, the rudder is Donald Trump the face of a new political mode. When the Democrats take over the majority in the house of representatives waiting probably more conflict and harsh reviews of the republican president.”

“– Donald Trump has previously had a republican congress. It has not always been successful for him, but he will find it much harder now, ” says Dag Blanck, professor of Nordamerikastudier at Uppsala university.”

” Democrats have big opportunities to manage their own affairs. They will introduce the bill, get an important initiative in the budget process and also have power over the examinations and investigations.”

“Trump’s time in the White house has been marred by controversial decisions as well as politicians such as rights to call in the alarm bells. But the president has largely escaped the scrutinies in the republican controlled congress. With the democrats, that the president of the house of representatives, all committees are expected to change.”

“the Party is likely to delve deeper into everything from the question of Russian influence on the presidential election in 2016 to Trump’s refusal to publish his tax return. There is also the opportunity to take a riksrättsprocess, even if it is unclear whether the Democrats choose the route.”

“– the House, the investigations will surely obtain a lot of information that could create political problems for the president Trump, ” says Blanck.”

“A riksrättsprocess, however, would most likely die because it is required that two-thirds of the senate vote to unseat the president. And in the senate the Republicans have continued the majority, 53 of the 100 seats.”

“the Democrats is at the same time divided about how to deal with the president. Many nyinvalda members represents a more stridlysten and the progressive wing who want to go on the offensive while the other warns that it can backfire against the party because Trump can portray themselves as victims of an immature smear campaign.”

” the Question that all the time will be in the back of my mind is how to go about to defeat Trump in the presidential election. Should you choose a radical line or a more centristisk?”

“the Task of holding together the democratic majority lands likely in Nancy Pelosi – who is expected to become house speaker. She is experienced and skilled. But the job is complicated by the fact that several democrats in the coming months is expected to announce its presidentvalskandidaturer and thus will operate its own lines hard.”

“It is difficult to predict how Trump will cope with the new reality in congress, according to Blanck, which describes a president who lost a lot of employees and any more seems to be pulling itself into a corner. At the same time, he has the support of the ushered a major period who faithfully stands by his side.”

“– the Trump has had a main line that has been very successful for him, and that’s to play hard. It is difficult for him to change his course and he will most probably continue as before, ” says Blanck.”

“– at the same time suggests the loss of the house of representatives that some voters who supported him now are more reluctant. The president finds himself in a very unfamiliar situation and it is unclear how he will cope with it.”

“the Congress is the legislative branch, both chambers must approve a president’s reform proposals before they can enter into force. The congress also decides on taxes and appropriations, and approves the ministers, judges and other high officials. It can also allocate federal officials, including the president and the judges, by impeachment.”

“The party that has the majority in the house of representatives elects the president, number three in the”

“On the minoritetssidan and in the senate are similar ledarhierarkier, even if the senate does not have any president. Its supreme president instead of vice president. If a vote in the senate stopped as get of vice president decide the issue.”

“Sources: House.gov, congressional site Conginst.org, Real Clear Politics, with multiple”

“42.7% of americans believe that Donald Trump is doing very well, while 52.2 per cent are of the opposite opinion.”

“36.8 percent believe that the country is moving in the right direction while 55 percent think that the united states has embarked on the wrong path.”

“20.1 percent of americans think congress is doing a good job. 69 per cent giving the thumbs down for those elected.”

“Source: Real Clear Politics compilation of current measurements”