Coalition in a low mood: If there were federal elections next Sunday, the traffic lights would no longer have a majority according to the current ZDF “Politbarometer”. In the survey published on Friday, the SPD improved by one point to 19 percent, but the Greens fell by one point and came to 21 percent. The FDP also gives up a point and ends up with six percent.

CDU and CSU improve by one point and come to 28 percent. According to the “Politbarometer”, the AfD also increased by one point and reached 15 percent. The left would just get into the Bundestag with an unchanged five percent. The other parties are together at six percent.

With such a result, the traffic light coalition would no longer have a parliamentary majority. On the other hand, it would be enough for a coalition between the CDU/CSU and the Greens.

Overall, the federal government is currently receiving rather modestly positive satisfaction ratings. The individual government partners are judged very differently: while most are rather satisfied with the work of the SPD in the government, a majority of 53 percent believe that the FDP is doing a rather poor job in the government.

In the assessment of sympathy and performance, Chancellor Olaf Scholz again holds the top position by a narrow margin. It is rated on a scale of 5 to -5 with an average score of 0.9 (end of September: 0.5). Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) is also in second place with 0.9 (0.5) and a few hundredths less.

This is followed by Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) with 0.8 (0.4), Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir (Greens) with 0.6 (0.5), Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) with 0.3 (minus 0.1) , CSU boss Markus Söder with 0.0 (minus 0.2), Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) with minus 0.1 (minus 0.1), CDU boss Friedrich Merz with minus 0.2 (minus 0.3 ) and the left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht with minus 0.9 (minus 1.3). At the bottom remains AfD party and faction leader Alice Weidel with minus 2.7 (minus 2.8).

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