Sunday swept the two dead migrants in the country by the american river and the Rio Grande near Mexico.

the Tragedy has been captured in a photograph, which shows the Oscar Ramirez and his barely two-year-old daughter, Valeria, to lie lifeless in the shallows by the riverbank.

the Image is now of strong reactions the world over and breathe at the same time, further to the debate about the thousands of migrants who cross the border between Mexico and the UNITED states, as the particular Trump tries to put a stop to the building wall.

Oscar Ramirez had allegedly tried to get his family into the UNITED states by swimming across the river, which is located on the border between the two countries – a trip he and his daughter did not survive because of a strong undertow.

The typing of several international media, including the New York Times.

on Top of the publication of the picture, many people have criticised the us president, Donald Trump, in the strongest terms.

for Example, the UN’s refugee commissioner, Filippo Grandi, who believes that the girl and her father drowned, because they had not received protection under the international refugee conventions, and instead were the victims of Trumps tough border policy.

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Here is Oscar Ramirez with her daughter, Valeria. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

the Vatican has also chosen to put the image on its website, where a spokesman at the same time, expressing the Pope’s grief over the picture.

– The holy father have with great sorrow seen the pictures of a father and his little daughter, who is drowned in the Rio Grande, says Alessandro Gisotti.

– the Pope is extremely saddened by their death, and pray for them, and all the migrants who have lost their lives while fleeing war and misery, it sounds far from the Vatican spokesman.

A number of u.s. politicians from the Democrats langer also out after Trumps tight immigration policy, where children among other things are placed in the centre, separating them from their parents.

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Aylan Kurdi was found dead on a beach in Turkey in 2015. Photo: Reuters
Evokes gruesome memories
the Image of the two dead family members on the border to the UNITED states is not the first time that precisely such photos go around the world.

the Images of the three-year Aylan Kurdi aroused the uprising all over the world, when the kurdish boy from the war-torn syrian city of Aleppo was found on a beach in Turkey in 2015.

His family was on the way to the Greek island of Kos, when the family’s boat sank, and only the father survived.

The tragic deaths became a symbol of the perilous journey, as many refugees embarks on in order to reach Europe.

the U.S. senate rejected on Wednesday a humanitarian milliardstor aid package for migrant children in the UNITED states’southern border. The aid package was on Tuesday been approved in the House of Representatives, where the Democrats have the majority.

But in the Senate, is the Donald Trumps of the republican party that has the majority.

the Senate is expected later on Wednesday to examine an alternative package, which republicans are behind.

The democratic chairman of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, criticized Wednesday in strong terms the situation of the UNITED states’border with Mexico, where her party wants to provide humanitarian help in an aid package to almost 30 billion crowns.

There have been several reports of deaths among poor immigrants, and on the ‘highly neglected children’ at border crossings in Texas.

But the humanitarian aid package was moot, as the republicans say that the democratic version would weaken the Trump administration’s struggle to get the number of the immigrants brought down.

260 people died alone in 2018, while they tried to cross the u.s. border.