The transport police (TPO), popularly railway police called, should be integrated into the border guard. This is a scenario where a working group from the three Departments of the Federal administration is currently working. Staff from the financial and the Department of justice and the Department of the environment, transport, energy and communications a discussion paper for the Federal Council are currently drafting.

it lists the advantages and disadvantages, would be transformed into guardians of the 245 members of the transport police to the Border. The Federal office for transport (BAV) confirmed the research of this paper. Spokesman Gregor Saladin says, the Federal Council will discuss the paper in the next few weeks. Therein, the development scenarios would be presented “for the transport police”. The leadership of the Swiss Federal customs administration. The paper for the Federal Council was in progress and not finished yet. Accordingly, there were no plans, when and exactly how the 245’s corps, members of the railway police, including 187 police, the border guard should switch.

Ten percent more personnel

Saladin emphasizes the early date of the Considerations for the Federal Office of police, customs administration and BAV: “The employees of the transport police are not yet informed; everything is still completely open.” No official information about the expansion scenarios, the Federal customs administration and Swiss Border guard (SBG). Important questions thus remain for the time being, unanswered, about those, what will change for passengers, if the 187 armed transport police officers one day, appear suddenly as border guards.

Blessing of the Federal Council in the foreseeable future, the expansion of the wishes of the border guard commander Brigadier Jürg Noth, had the Supreme Swiss border guards, at a stroke, ten percent more staff available.

encouragement, no Commitments

Noths requests for more staff were over the last few years, almost entirely in the Sand. The same is true for many of the initiatives for additional border guards, the submitted members of Parliament from border cantons. It remained, as a rule, in the case of oral statements by Finance Minister Ueli Maurer (SVP), in the councils always the importance of the border guard.

countable in the Hand of Noth received but barely. The balance sheet shows over the last few years. The GWK had to organize through saving programmes in the years 2003 to 2011, a reduction from 2012, in 1927, full-time. According to one specific Development, the Noth over the following years with additional tasks, justified, applied to the GWK in the year 2015 in a multi-year plan for 84 new positions. The Federal Council and Parliament approved, of which 48 are to 2016 and 2017 have been occupied.

Due to the pressure of Migration and the terrorist attacks in Paris, the Federal Council had decided by the end of 2015 then that the GWK is allowed to occupy all of the 48 already in the year 2016. His licence for the remaining 36 Points and eight Digits for the combating of terrorism, the same Federal Council withdrew in October 2017.

The theme of the councils employees this Session. Yesterday, the session closing, the national Council more time to “for the drafting of a bill on human adaptation in the border guard”. A state initiative in 2015 for more staff at the GWK was not fulfilled according to the security policy commissions.

More veil searches

so Now Noth is looking for the liberation. An integrated railway police enabling the border guard commander watch is undoubtedly more room for manoeuvre in the use of planning, says an Insider. Because the existing protection and control orders of the railway police in a railway, and trains could be, in the future, certainly with the tasks of the border guard were stations connect.

conversely, would expect to train the customer probably increasingly and abruptly with personal checks by border guards in the Hinterland. The so-called veil search were in the run-up to the Schengen accession of Switzerland in 2008, a hotly debated topic.

the adjustments would be in the case of a DC circuit of the railway police and border guard also in the training necessary. The training of border claim is guards than the police.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 22.03.2019, 22:03 PM