the 19-year-old Trina Fischer from Massachusetts and her boyfriend was just taken in the grocery Store to buy some christmas gifts and enjoy-juleshoppe a little.

Trine Fischer was to use a new dress, but the best as she stood and was looking for a new outfit in the store’s plus size department, was attentive, suddenly undone.

A woman walked past and muttered something as she passed the Trine Fischer. She thought she heard the word ‘fat’, but she wasn’t completely sure.

– But then she came walking by again and said quite clearly, while she gave me a elevatorblik, ’there is shown one, to be on a diet’, says Trine Fischer to Ekstra Bladet.

First froze the 19-year-old jute absolutely over the inappropriate comment. But then she followed after the woman and asked if it was her, she was talking to. When she asked for the second time, turned the woman shifted suddenly on.

– Then shout she me just up in the head, and say, ‘no, I say yes, and even if it was you, so jut it is not you, what I say!’ says Trine Fischer.

The unpleasant experience caused the fold to go all the way down at Trine Fischer. She ran to her boyfriend, she says, and couldn’t hold back the tears.

I felt so humiliated that in the midst of the public. I broke down crying together in the grocery Store. I think it really is incredible that such a thing takes place between adults. It is the kind of thing that belongs in a kindergarten, says Trine Fischer, as shortly after the damaged grocery Store trip did a lookup on the Facebook.

Her thought-provoking image and text on the voksenmobning and the invisible illness, an eating disorder is, is already been shared over 2800 times.

It is far from the first time, the young jute has experienced to be made to the alien because of its size.

– for example, I have been out for drunk people coming up to me, when I’m in the city, and says things like, ‘where are you fed’, or ‘what are you doing here, you don’t belong here’, and ‘I can’t stand to look at you’. But there I have just tackled it in a different way, because it is full of people, and I have even been full. But when it happens, after you become adult you are being bullied by an adult woman in the 40’s, so I do not think it is in order, says Trine Fischer to Ekstra Bladet.

the Spread she laid out on his Facebook profile, because she seems, voksenmobning and invisible illness in general is something that we talk too little about.

Health – 3. oct. 2017 – at. 11:23 Therefore, the bikes, the 27-year-old Katrine around in her underwear: ‘I refuse to be ashamed of myself’

Several adults in Trine Fischer’s entourage experience according to her also to be bullied by adults, and it is rare she is experiencing, that people dare to stand up and say, ‘I’m an adult, and I will be bullied by another adult’.

So now she has even done exactly that.

– Now I have tried it so many times, but this time I got just enough. Now, there must be an end to it, says Martin Fischer.

Read the entire Trine Fischer’s lookup here:

also Read about Zoe, who was fired because of his size. Now she feels sexy.