Donald Trump has spoken with Kim Jong-un about the american students Otto Warmbier, who was brain dead, deaf and blind, while he stayed in a north Korean prison.

Trump says that ‘some very, very bad things’ happened for the 22-year-old students. But the us president to revenge now the north Korean leader in the case.

– Kim says that he had no knowledge of it, and I trust in his word, says Trump at a press conference in Hanoi, after the summit with the north Korean leader collapsed of the negotiations on North korea’s nuclear weapons program.

Otto Warmbier was a tourist in north Korea in 2016, when he allegedly stole a poster from a hotel and was sentenced to 15 years ‘ hard labour. 17 months later he was sent home to the UNITED states on a stretcher and died just six days after.

Warmbiers parents claim that his son had been tortured, while the north Korean authorities claim that he was deadly sick of pølseforgiftning.

The american student, Otto Warmbier. Photo: AP

Close to James and Ted vows to make Kim Jong-un, Will wipe out the U.S.

Trump and Kim Jong-un, met in the week for the second time to negotiate for peace and denuclearisation.

But the meeting was cut short, as the two leaders could not agree.

At the subsequent press conference explained to Trump that the meeting after all have had value.

– We have spent the entire day together with Kim Jong-un, who is the good guy. We have a very close relationship. It was a very productive meeting, but some times you will have to go, and it was one of those times, he says.

According to Trump, he goes not home empty-handed. In addition to getting cared for his relationship to Kim Jong-un, he also promise that north Korea will not resume its nuclear tests.