From the Oval Office, the work room of the American President, once said John F. Kennedy during the Cuban missile crisis to the Nation. George Herbert Walker Bush announced on TV from the Oval Office the beginning of the Gulf war against Saddam Hussein. And Barack Obama announced the death of Osama Bin Laden.

last night, Donald Trump took advantage of the historical setting and turned in a live transmission to the Americans. Not from a real crisis of great danger and importance, or of a historical Moment but Trumps was There went to his wall to Mexico.

After 18 days of a partial shutdown of the US government, and against the Background of 800’000 state employees will receive on Friday for the first time, no monthly pay, went Trump on the Whole, in order to move the recalcitrant Democrats in the Congress finally to relent and to permit of 5.7 billion dollars for his beloved border fortification.

“the cycle of human suffering”

In ten TV minutes, the President of the new Horror – crime, human and drug trafficking – that demanded more border security. He was determined “to end this cycle of human suffering,” said Trump. He called for new measures along the border, of a concrete structure, the President wants to waive but: Massive steel barriers to secure the border.

new territory not entered Trump, also yesterday, he mixed truth and fiction. The President had abused the venerable backdrop of the Oval Office, to foment “fear,” countered Senator Chuck Schumer (New York), the democratic majority leader. Along with speaker Nancy Pelosi, he represented to trump’s speech in a televised speech, the Position of the Democrats.

If the from all the major TV stations broadcast an appearance by the President will succeed, may be doubted. Trump no longer has maneuvered itself, with its demand for the construction of the Berlin wall and the subsequent Shutdown into a political corner, out of your to get out is not so easy.

A majority of Americans faces all of the surveys to follow the construction of the wall on the southern border of skeptical and Trump to blame for the partial Paralysis of government business.

A wall would not stop the influx of

The President came to the front anyway, driven by his Ego and conservative impellers in the US media, who accused him of betrayal of his base, he realized the wall at last. So, it should inform the TV-speech, but hardly will convince the Democrats and the American Public. To a lot of anxiety – and panic-mongering, too many lies, too much hysteria has spread to Donald Trump to the legitimacy of its wall, as the tide now.

Not only the number of paper went unemployed migrants at the border to Mexico in the past few years back, the wall would also do nothing to address the humanitarian crisis at the U.S. southern border: refugees from the poverty and violence-stricken Central American countries of El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala would have a wall or not – continue to be entitled to U.S. asylum hearings, a wall would not stop their influx.

The humanitarian crisis at the border has the government Trump also in large Parts self-inflicted by separated children and even babies from their parents, and other deterrent measures took hold. The President and representatives of his government from spokeswoman Sarah Sanders summon up to Vice-President Mike Pence ever this “humanitarian crisis” and a “crisis of national security” as a justification for the construction of the wall, makes the thing not better: Too often the Trump Administration has widely concentrated falsehoods, in front of the President.

The birth of Trumps wall-fantasy

In the election campaign of 2016, log candidate Trump already pay for the birth of his wall-a fantasy, as he explained in an endless loop, Mexico will for the building. It’s brain were just as crazy as the numerous other allegations of Trumps: The number of Sans-Papiers in the United States, “could exceed 30 million,” thousands of terrorists have crossed the southern border, the Democrats would invite a refugee treks from Central America “”.

Trumps homeland security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, 2017 3755 terrorists or terror suspects had tried to cross the border, according to the records of your Ministry, of 2554 entering the country on the watch list of the FBI 2170 by Plane and 49 on the sea to the United States have entered the country. In fact, the US border identified for protection in the whole of the financial year 2018 on the border with Mexico, only a dozen or so people were on the FBI list.

Trump of defense: The wall must be yesterday’s speech had to be, because the President can not be sure whether to follow him, the party is willing. In order to keep fickle Republican deputies and senators at the bar, spoke Vice-President of Pence yesterday ahead of the Republican faction in the house of representatives, today, he will visit the Senate.

Will call out Trump the national emergency?

Soon it will show whether or not Trump will actually make good on its threat to the national declare a state of emergency and the construction of a wall without the consent of the Congress to arrange. According to the allegation of the abuse of power, the wind, the Democrats would go to court resounded then. “We will absolutely prevent the President to a king and tyrant,” he said on Monday, Jerrold Nadler, the democratic Chairman of the judiciary Committee in the house of representatives.

Certainly, Donald trump yesterday’s televised address, has not changed the dynamics of the struggle for his vexing wall, unabated precarious is the political Position of the President. What remains is a kick – or a new escalation, even at the risk that parts of his party will refuse to give allegiance.

Perhaps even hope, the proclamation of national emergency will offer an escape route: The matter would be negotiated for months before the courts, meanwhile, the government could be taken to shops. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 09.01.2019, 05:25 PM