He was regarded as Trumps “sweeper” – and was accused by the US President of lying. Now the freshly-convicted attorney Cohen tells in an Interview against his Ex-tenant a us.

Michael Cohen settles: The former lawyer of President Donald Trump has just been sentenced to three years in prison for, among other things, due to its commitment to the President. Cohen said: “The man is telling the truth. It is sad that I have to be responsible for his dirty deeds.”

Cohen has now given the ABC television Interview, his view of things. He was purged, said he had taken responsibility for his actions, wanted to protect his family.

Cohen: “Trump knew it all”

as Stormy Daniels-known porn actress Stephanie Clifford is at the heart of the affair.

the Central question is: What Trump knew, for example, about the hush money to two women with whom he had Affairs? Cohen said: “In the Trump organization, nothing has happened, what has not gone on Trumps Desk. He instructed me to make the payments, to deal with these things. I have checked the documents, in order to protect him. I was loyal to someone who deserves no loyalty.”

Cohen had worked for many years for Trump, as a lawyer, but mainly as a “Fixer“ of problems out of the way. In the case of the hush money payments, the Boulevard was involved in-sheet “the National Enquirer”. The publisher has given, to not have the rights to the story of a Playboy Models purchased in order to use them intentionally.

Cohen said that Trump had had a great interest in: “you must remember, when these things occurred, two weeks before the election. He was very concerned about how this might be influencing the choice.”

President denies instructions

US President, Trump tried to distance themselves early on from Cohen, entangled in contradictions.

President Trump rejects the accusations. In an Interview with Fox News he said that he had instructed Cohen never: “I have instructed him never to do something wrong. What he did, has he made himself. He is a lawyer who represents clients, you must do the Right thing. That’s why they pay him a lot of money. He is a lawyer, I have instructed him never to do something wrong.”

From his point of view he is the victim of overzealous investigators. His explanations of the hush money payments had changed several times in the past. First of all, he had rejected reports about it, now he said any payments would have had nothing to do with his campaign and so they would not violate any laws.

Trump is vulnerable

Trump accused his former lawyer, he was declared guilty, to embarrass the President. If the allegations Cohen’s votes, stands Trump in the centre of the affair and the hush money payments. The could him to make the judiciary vulnerable to attack. However, there are guidelines that the President may not be indicted in such a case.

The condemnation of Cohen’s was one of the results of the investigation to the Russian influence on the presidential elections and the question of whether there had been a cooperation of trump’s campaign team with Russia.

special investigator Robert Mueller had argued, to reduce Cohen’s sentence because he had provided important information. The hush money payments and other Offenses Cohen will be examined by investigators in New York, because you don’t have to do with the core of the Russia-investigation.

US President under pressure: trump’s Ex-lawyer Cohen grabs
Jan Bösche, ARD Washington
14.12.2018 17:16 PM

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Trumps acknowledges sweeper Cohen to prison, 14.12.2018 Three years in prison for trump’s Ex-lawyer Cohen, 12.12.2018 Trump-and-lawyer-payments, 14.02.2018 Atlas |USA |New York
