US President Donald Trump thinks aloud about a significant reduction of troops in Afghanistan. This said, two familiar with the matter people on Thursday to the Reuters news Agency. At the same time, the AFP news Agency reports this, citing US government circles. Also, the TV channel CNN and the New York Times reported of the respective plans of Trump Administration.

The “Wall Street Journal” reported on Thursday evening (local time) relying on a non-closer-called government officials, about half of the 14’000 US-soldiers in Afghanistan, should be deducted. US President, Donald Trump has instructed the defense Ministry already, a withdrawal of troops.

Minister takes his hat

The Ministry of defence did not want to comment on. The US President Donald Trump have already have for a long time, U.S. troops from Afghanistan to be deducted, however, from his Minister of defence James Mattis to convince, the number of soldiers there initially to increase. According to the Reports, Trump has resumed its original course.

The US had announced on Wednesday, about 2000 soldiers from Syria to deduct. In government circles it was said that the deduction was to be expected in the coming months. Trump had established the end of the military engagement in Syria, the extremist organization is IS defeated.

This decision was welcomed by the allies in the fight against the jihadists militia Islamic state (IS) is a lot of misunderstanding and in the USA is highly controversial. On Thursday, US defence Secretary Jim Mattis announced his resignation on February 2019. (sda)

Created: 21.12.2018, 03:38 PM