Foreign policy should be the main topic of Donald Trump’s annual speech to the nation last night, according to the strategy paper presented to the american news media. 40 to 50 percent of the century will be about foreign policy, according to Trump’s staff. Where has Trump a mined terrain of controversial issues to sort out, when it comes, not least, the military’s withdrawal from Syria, it recently ended kärnvapenavtalet with Russia and trade wars with China. Förtroendesiffrorna for the united states global role of the eu has fallen sharply since Trump became president, with the exception of a few authoritarian countries. But in the night of the speech should Trump, according to that paper, “present a vision for enhanced security and peace, after having restored american leadership worldwide.”

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the Century will go under the banner of “choosing greatness”, and is characterized by an optimistic message about a better, stronger united states, where it is possible to cooperate across party boundaries. At a question if Trump was going to mention the budget deficit, which mushroomed after republicans implemented large tax cuts for high earners, said the chief of staff Mick Mulvaney to the “nobody cares” about the deficit.

instead, a series of core messages for the night’s speech: One of them reads: “Trump is a problem solver who offers common sense and political cooperation across party lines.”

another focuses on the economy: “At a time when the U.S. economy is stronger than ever, he should propose policies that expand prosperity and offers a tremendous quality of life for all our citizens”, according to that paper.

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the Night’s speech to the nation is an important chance for Donald Trump to heal some of the wounds that winter the negotiations on myndighetskrisen have created. But the starting position of the president of the republic is not very promising. The day before the century has been marked by news headlines about Mitch McConnell and the republicans leadership in congress will not support Trump if he tries to declare a national emergency to get new powers to build gränsmuren against Mexico, one of his key objectives as president. In several votes in congress during the year, when, for example, the sanctions against Russia, an unusual number of republicans joined the democratic majority, a sign that Trumps domination in the private partileden begins to subside. He also got to suffer a stinging defeat in the negotiations with the president, Nancy Pelosi and the democrats in congress, when he finally departed for their requirements to solve myndighetskrisen and wait with the financing of gränsmuren.

also fallen slightly during the winter negotiations. At the same time, the federal prosecutors just expanded an investigation against Trumps installationskommitté, which can lead to further legal problems for the president.

So he has a lot to prove in the night’s speech. He is also expected to lay out a plan for how he really hope to achieve, gränsmuren, a goal he did not learn back from. Behind the Trump sits for the first time, Nancy Pelosi, the democratic speaker of the house of representatives. It will be a reminder for tv viewers that the republicans made a great slaughter in the autumn mellanårsval, but, above all, that Trump lost the battle for the myndighetskrisen against Pelosi.

the President’s annual speech has historically had limited importance for the sakpolitiken. It is telling that the White house for a night’s speech promises to Trump to convey a unifying message. It is not what he has become known for as president. And even if he would have a more friendly and diplomatic tone than usual so it is likely that the usual, more konfrontativa Trump returns as soon as the century is over.

Read more: Björn af Kleen: Trump may find it difficult to unite the fractured united states